


Dalyan crabs are one of the unique culinary attractions of the region. Dalyan crabs live in the brackish waters of the Dalyan River Delta and nearby lagoons and estuaries. They prefer shallow, well-oxygenated waters with sandy or muddy bottoms.
They are active predators and scavengers. They feed on fish, mollusks, worms and organic

animal crab sand Dalyan legs

Animals 15.10.2024


Canna or canna lily is the only genus of flowering plants in the family Cannaceae, consisting of 10 species. All of the genus's species are native to the American tropics and naturalized in Europe, India and Africa in the 1860s. Although they grow native to the tropics, most cultivars have been developed in temperate climates and are

plant flower canna in bloom garden

Flowers 03.08.2024


Sunbathing baskets on the beach in Ahlbeck, Germany.

landscape beach sand sunbathing baskets sky

Landscapes 14.06.2024


Ahlbeck is a village of the Heringsdorf municipality on the island of Usedom on the Baltic coast. It is the easternmost of the so-called Kaiserbäder ("Imperial Spas") seaside resorts on the German part of the island, situated right next to the border with Poland and the city of Świnoujście.
It is a charming seaside resort

city architecture streets buildings cars

City & Architecture 13.06.2024


Advertisement of Wave Międzyzdroje Resort&SPA on the beach, Poland

beach sea sand advertisement

Uncategorized 06.06.2024


The common raven is a large all-black passerine bird. It is the most widely distributed of all corvids, found across the Northern Hemisphere.
Common ravens have coexisted with humans for thousands of years and in some areas have been so numerous that people have regarded them as pests.

animal bird raven black branches

Birds 01.01.2024


In the early 19th century the Empress Josephine of France patronized the development of rose breeding at her gardens at Malmaison. As long ago as 1840 a collection numbering over one thousand different cultivars, varieties and species was possible when a rosarium was planted by Loddiges nursery for Abney Park Cemetery, an early Victorian

plant flower rose pink garden rose fine art

Flowers 30.10.2023

Pontederia crassipes (common water hyacinth)

Botanical Garden, Karlsruhe / Germany

Pontederia crassipes (formerly Eichhornia crassipes), commonly known as common water hyacinth is an aquatic plant native to South America, naturalized throughout the world, and often invasive outside its native range. It is the sole species of the subgenus Oshunae within the genus

Plant 30.10.2023


The Manufaktura is an arts centre, shopping mall, and leisure complex in Łódź, Poland.
The heart of Manufaktura is the three-hectare Market, where one can fully experience the unique atmosphere of the place. In the summer it is covered with beach, in the winter with ice rink. The Market also serves as a host to many concerts

city beach sand palms people relax

Seasons 03.08.2023


Muscari - Arap sümbülü

Arap sümbülü (Muscari), Hyacinthaceae (sümbülgiller) familyasından bataklık alanlar ve tarlalarda yaşayan soğanlı ve otsu bitki cinsi. Dağ sümbülü, misk sümbülü, üzüm sümbülü gibi adlarlada bilinmektedir. Anavatanının Akdeniz, Kuzey Afrika, Güney Afrika ve Güney Doğu ve Orta Asya ülkeleri (Türkiye, Yunanistan'da

mor çiçek çiçek resimleri çiçek fotoğrafları çiçek Muscari Arap sümbülü 723998337633920

Flowers 06.03.2014

St. Antuan Katolik Kilisesi

1230’da rahipler, kurucuları Assisili Aziz Fransua adına, Galata civarında bir kilise inşa ettiler. 1639 ve 1660 yangınlarında iki kez yanan ve her yangından sonra yeniden aynı yerde kurulan Aziz Fransua Kilisesi en son geçirdiği yangın olan ve bütün çevresini yutan 1696 yangınından sonra Beyoğlu’daki yeni konumuna

City & Architecture 16.12.2014

Tahta İskele

" Wooden Scaffolding "

Sapanca Gölü -Eşme 7 Kocaeli

Tahta İskele Sandal Sapanca Gölü Eşme Kocaeli

Sea - Lake 17.02.2019

Externsteine im Teutoburger Wald

Die Externsteine sind eine markante Sandstein-Felsformation im Teutoburger Wald und eine herausragende Natursehenswürdigkeit. Bereits 1926 wurden die Externsteine als eines der ältesten und bedeutendsten Naturschutzgebiete im Kreis Lippe unter Schutz gestellt. Auf dem Foto ist ein Teil der Externsteine zu sehen. Insgesamt gibt es

Externsteine Teutoburger Wald Wiembecke-Teich Herbst autumn Reflektion Reflection

Landscapes 11.11.2014

Felsenwohnungen in Graufthal / Elsass

Eine Sehenswürdigkeit der besonderen Art, die in Europa ihresgleichen sucht, stellen die Felsenhäuser von Graufthal, nur wenige Kilometer südlich von La Petite Pierre, dar. Wer auf der früher viel wichtigeren Verbindungs-straße Saverne - Phalsbourg - Sarre-Union unterwegs ist, dem fällt heute sofort an der Straße das Schild auf,

Travel 04.09.2018

Müzeyyen Senar Gönül aşkınla

Gönül, aşkınla, gözyaşı, dökmekten, usandı, artık ,
Zira, gözlerde, yaş, kalmadı, sabr, ile, uslandı, artık ,
Ağlasamda, faydası, yok ,sevsemde, zamanı, geçti ,
Zira, gözlerde, yaş ,kalmadı, sabr, ile ,uslandı, artık ,.............. büyük, sanatçı, Müzeyyen, Senarı ,rahmetle, anıyoruz

Gönül aşkınla gözyaşı dökmekten usandı artık Zira gözlerde yaş kalmadı sabr ile uslandı artık Ağlasamda faydası yok sevsemde zamanı geçti Zira gözlerde yaş kalmadı sabr ile uslandı artık .............. büyük sanatçı Müzeyyen Senarı rahmetle anıyoruz Sony Nex 6 f 5 6 ISO 800 1/40 aps acıkınca pastırma sucuk kayseri

Celebrities 09.02.2015

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