The spider species Araneus diadematus is commonly called the European garden spider, cross orbweaver, diadem spider, cross spider, and crowned orb weaver.
Individual spiders' colourings can range from extremely light yellow to very dark grey, but all A. diadematus spiders have mottled white markings across the dorsal abdomen,
animal spider colorful climbing net
Animals 25.09.2024Chives are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. They contain especially a lot of vitamin C, but also vitamins B1 and B2, carotene, folic acid and numerous mineral salts: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. Due to its slightly spicy taste, chives have a very beneficial effect on the digestive system.
food vegetable chives green spring pot
Food 18.03.2024The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower,[2] topinambur,[2] or earth apple, is a species of sunflower native to central North America.[3][4] It is cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.[5]
Fritschlach Nature Reserve, Karlsruhe-Daxlanden / Germany
"Orchard cultivation is a form of extensive fruit cultivation in which predominantly strong-growing, high-stemmed and large-crowned fruit trees are planted at wide intervals. Characteristic of orchards is the regular underuse as permanent grassland. In addition,
The mute swan is a species of swan and a member of the waterfowl family Anatidae. The name 'mute' derives from it being less vocal than other swan species. The mute swan is protected in most of its range, but this has not prevented illegal hunting and poaching. It is often kept in captivity outside its natural range, as a decoration
animal bird swan white water lake
Birds 28.06.2023Mother hen with her chicks under her wing
Hen Mother Chicks Motherhood Protection Nature
Birds 25.06.2023Sea Promenade from Mielno to Unieście
The Friendship Promenade in Mielno, was established in 1908. Originally, it had a protective function against the coastal dunes. The promenade is almost 2 kilometers long and is an important element integrating the entire city of Mielno, as you can now walk along it from the center to
promenade trees people walk foggy
Uncategorized 21.06.2023Djerba is a Tunisian island and the largest island of North Africa at 514 square kilometers, in the Gulf of Gabès,off the coast of Tunisia.Citing the long and unique history of its Jewish minority in Djerba, Tunisia has sought UNESCO World Heritage status protections for the island.
Weaver bird's nest
#Weaver artist Animals Birds home protection
City & Architecture 01.04.2022The markhor is a large Capra species native to Central Asia, the Karakoram, and the Himalayas. It is listed on the IUCN Red List as Near Threatened since 2015. The markhor is the national animal of Pakistan, where it is also known as the screw horn or "screw-horned goat", mārkhor in Urdu from Classical Persian
#Markhore Animals #Endangered Chiltan Park Quetta
Animals 30.03.2022Der Höhenpark Killesberg ist ein rund 50 Hektar großer Park im Stadtbezirk Stuttgart-Nord (Stadtteil Killesberg) der Landeshauptstadt. Er ist Bestandteil des Grünen U und grenzt im Osten an den Wartberg und im Süden an den Park an der Roten Wand an. Seit 2012 ist auch die Grüne Fuge auf den Flächen der ehemaligen Messe Bestandteil
Landscapes 12.09.2019Die evangelische Stadtkirche Offenburg ist die älteste evangelische Kirche Offenburgs, sozusagen die "Mutterkirche". Inzwischen hat sie in Offenburg 5 Töchter bekommen. Die Stadtkirche liegt direkt auf dem Weg zwischen Bahnhof und Zentrum.
Die Bauzeit 1857-1864 stand unter einem ungünstigen Stern. Nach den Plänen des Karlsruher
Peygamber develeri yavaş hareket eden ve öngöğüs bölütleri çok uzamış olan böceklerdir. Ön bacaklarının birbirini eklemlenen biri dikenli iki uzun parçası (uyluk ve kaval kemikleri) kıvrıldığında avlarını yakalayıp parçalayan bir kıskaca dönüştürür. Peygamber
Peygamberdevesi, Mantodea alttakımında yer alan ve hamam böcekleriyle birlikte Dictoptera takımını oluşturan yaklaşık 1.800 böcek türünün ortak adıdır. Tropik ve sıcak bölgelerde yaşayan, başka böcekler üzerinden beslenen böcek türlerinden oluşan bir familyadır. Bazı uzmanlar Dictyoptera’nın bu iki alttakımını
Peygamber Devesi Peygamberdevesi Peygamberdevesi resimleri Peygamber devesi fotoğrafları Sphodromantis viridis 12.10.2014 3N1C2709 e3 peygamber devesi mantis
Macro 16.10.2014Red Sunrise in November, Germany
red sunrise red sky red clouds roter Sonnenaufgang roter Himmel rote Wolken
Sunset - Sunrise 13.11.2013Die Externsteine sind eine markante Sandstein-Felsformation im Teutoburger Wald und eine herausragende Natursehenswürdigkeit. Bereits 1926 wurden die Externsteine als eines der ältesten und bedeutendsten Naturschutzgebiete im Kreis Lippe unter Schutz gestellt. Auf dem Foto ist ein Teil der Externsteine zu sehen. Insgesamt gibt es
Externsteine Teutoburger Wald Wiembecke-Teich Herbst autumn Reflektion Reflection
Landscapes 11.11.2014Eine Sehenswürdigkeit der besonderen Art, die in Europa ihresgleichen sucht, stellen die Felsenhäuser von Graufthal, nur wenige Kilometer südlich von La Petite Pierre, dar. Wer auf der früher viel wichtigeren Verbindungs-straße Saverne - Phalsbourg - Sarre-Union unterwegs ist, dem fällt heute sofort an der Straße das Schild auf,
Travel 04.09.2018GÜVE...
Güve, odun, kumaş ve kürk gibi şeylere musallat olan çeşitli cinsten böcek ve kurtçuklara verilen ortak ad.
Güve denince sadece asıl güveler (Tinea) değil, güvegillerden olan ve tırtılları mağaza ve ambarlarda büyük zararlara yol açan küçük kelebeklerin hemen hepsi anlaşılır.
Thistle is the common name of a group of flowering plants characterised by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins, mostly in the family Asteraceae. Prickles occur all over the plant – on the stem and flat parts of leaves. They are an adaptation that protects the plant from being eaten by herbivores.
Leuchturm Neuland: Der Turm wird seit 1996 nicht mehr für die reguläre Schifffahrt, sondern durch die Bundeswehr genutzt. Wenn die Marine Schießübungen in der Hohwachter Bucht durchführt, wird durch rote und gelbe Lichtblitze gewarnt.
Neuland Lighthouse: 1996 the tower was transferred to the German Navy. It warns with red
Leuchtturm Neuland Lighthouse Neuland Hohwacht Bay Hohwachter Bucht
Landscapes 04.01.2015Die evangelische Stadtkirche Offenburg ist die älteste evangelische Kirche Offenburgs, sozusagen die "Mutterkirche". Inzwischen hat sie in Offenburg 5 Töchter bekommen. Die Stadtkirche liegt direkt auf dem Weg zwischen Bahnhof und Zentrum.
Die Bauzeit 1857-1864 stand unter einem ungünstigen Stern. Nach den Plänen des Karlsruher
Büyük Türkçü Nihâl Atsız Beğ Buna karşılık devletin her tarafına komünist ve hain kadroların yerleştirilmekte olduğunu görmektedir. O günkü Başbakanı ve devlet yetkililerini uyarmak için Atsız Beğ; devrin başbakanı Şükrü Saraçoğlu”na Orhun Dergisi”nde 1 Mart 1944”te ve gene bir ay sonra 1 Nisan 1944”te
Uncategorized 03.05.2015Der Höhenpark Killesberg ist ein rund 50 Hektar großer Park im Stadtbezirk Stuttgart-Nord (Stadtteil Killesberg) der Landeshauptstadt. Er ist Bestandteil des Grünen U und grenzt im Osten an den Wartberg und im Süden an den Park an der Roten Wand an. Seit 2012 ist auch die Grüne Fuge auf den Flächen der ehemaligen Messe Bestandteil
Landscapes 12.09.2019Verregneter Sommertag nach ganz vielen verregneten Sommertagen :D
Rain Rainy Day Forrest Umbrella Red Umbrella Labrador Dog Regen verregneter Tag Wald Regenschirm Roter Regenschirm Hund Pfütze Puddle Spiegelung Reflection
Family 03.08.2017KEŞ:Süzme yoğurttan yapılan sert bir çökelektir.Yoğurt tülbent bezi içinde iyice süzülür. Daha sonra bir ağırlık altında suyunu atması sağlanır. Tuzla yoğurulan yoğurt elde sabun kalıbına benzer bir şekil verildikten sonra kuruması için güneşe bıraklır. Keşler tamamen sertleşinceye kadar doğal olarak
Food 16.07.2017Cumalıkızık - Bursa
"The UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014 into a housing that retains the texture of the Ottoman period to the present day village. Of Ottoman civil architecture to the present day, has been taken under the protection of Cumalıkızık house carrying"
2014 Yılında UNESCO Dünya Mirasları Listesine
Cumalıkızık Tarihi evler Kültür mirası Bursa
City & Architecture 11.06.2016