


Fish restaurant at the pond in Kudowa, Poland

building restaurant pond water reflect stork ions

Landscapes 01.12.2024


Dalyan Coastal Street with restaurants, Turkey

coastal street restaurant people trees flowers hill

Street 11.10.2024


One of the hotel's building in Bodrum, Turkey.

architekture building hotel city rest

City & Architecture 01.10.2024


Rudbeckia Sunbeckia is characterized by very strong growth, good branching and at the same time compact shape. It has green leaves and flowers, which are very large and single yellow. It blooms from June to October. The flowers are very good for cutting, they stay fresh in a vase for a long time. Rudbeckia attracts many species of butterflies

plant shrub flowers yellow blooming garden

Flowers 19.09.2024


"Arturówek" is a recreational facility in Łódź, located amidst the Łagiewnicki Forest. There are three ponds here, including one intended for swimming.

pond water bridge plants trees

Nature 20.08.2024


Łagiewnicki Forest in Łódź, Poland with an area of ​​1,256 ha. It is one of the largest compact forest complexes in Europe, located within the administrative boundaries of the city.

nature forest trees plants road

Nature 19.08.2024


Hydrangea paniculata, or panicled hydrangea, is a species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae native to southern and eastern China, Korea, Japan and Russia.
It is a deciduous shrub or small tree, 1–5 m tall by 2.5 m broad, growing in sparse forests or thickets in valleys or on mountain slopes.

plants shrubs hydrangea colorful garden

Flowers 16.08.2024

Clouds in dialogue ⚜⚜

Intresting cloud formation at Hazaganji National Park Quetta

Clouds Mountain Landscape Mountain Clouds

Landscapes 16.07.2024


Ahlbeck is a village of the Heringsdorf municipality on the island of Usedom on the Baltic coast. It is the easternmost of the so-called Kaiserbäder ("Imperial Spas") seaside resorts on the German part of the island, situated right next to the border with Poland and the city of Świnoujście.
It is a charming seaside resort

city architecture streets buildings cars

City & Architecture 13.06.2024


One of restaurants beautifully decorated in Międzyzdroje, Poland

city street restaurant decorations colorful

Uncategorized 10.06.2024


Międzyzdroje Pier is a pier 395 metres long, stretching out into the Baltic Sea from the beach in Międzyzdroje, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. The pier also functions as a harbour.The pier is made of reinforced concrete, on the Island of Wolin, Poland. The structure extends into the Bay of Pomerania, in the north-west direction

object pier long .sea people restaurants

Object 08.06.2024



Şanlıurfa'nın bir ilçesi. G.Antep ile Urfa arasında kalıyor. Eski Halfeti fırat nehri üzerindeki baraj nedeniyle sular altında kalan kısımdır (köy sular altında sadece caminin minaresi görülebiliyor.) buradaki insanlar yeni Halfeti'ye yerleştirilmiştir.
iki dağ arasında kalmış baraj suyu mükemmel bir güzellik,

Travel 29.01.2015


Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs. The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug". The tarsi are 3-segmented.

osuruk böceği Stink bug

Macro 06.06.2014

Houses in the fishermen's quarter (Holm)

The Holm (Danish: Holmen) is a fishing district in Schleswig, located on the loop between the old town and the freedom of Schleswig.

The name of the settlement is based on the northern German or Danish word Holm. It means little island. The settlement originated around the year 1000 on a small island off Schleswig, which

City & Architecture 14.01.2020

New Year 2013/2014 - Schliffkopf / Germany

The Schliffkopf is a mountain in the Northern Black Forest between Baiersbronn, Ottenhöfen and Oppenau. It is 1,053.6 m above sea level (NHN)[1]. The Schliffkopf lies on the Black Forest High Road in the National Park and is the site of an eponymous four star "wellness" hotel. Various long distance paths, including the West Way, run

Seasons 06.02.2020

In my magical forest

Forest Przechód, Poland

Landscapes 25.12.2014

Erzurum Evleri

Eski Erzurum Evleri

11 ERZURUM evinde 20 bin ev eşyası bulunuyor
Tarihe tanıklık eden Erzurum evleri, tek bir çatı altında toplanarak restaurant müze haline getirildi.

Şimdilerde restaurant olarak işletilen 11 adet Erzurum evi, yurt içinden ve yurt dışından turistlerin yoğun ilgisini

IMG_1350 Erzurum 16.07.2017 Erzurum Evleri Konak

City & Architecture 27.07.2017

Arminius Monument

Das Hermannsdenkmal ist eine Kolossalstatue in der Nähe von Detmold in Nordrhein-Westfalen im südlichen Teutoburger Wald. Es wurde zwischen 1838 und 1875 nach Entwürfen von Ernst von Bandel erbaut und am 16. August 1875 eingeweiht.
Das Denkmal soll an den Cheruskerfürsten Arminius und die sogenannte Schlacht im Teutoburger

Hermannsdenkmal Arminius Monument Teutoburger Wald Teutoburg Forest

Landscapes 17.11.2014


İstanbul'un Latinler tarafından işgal edilmesinden sonra kaçan ve Trabzon'da 1204 yılında Trabzon imparatorluğunu kuran Komnenos Ailesinden Kral I.Manuel (1238-1263) tarafından 1250-1260 yılları arasında yaptırılan ve bir manastır kilisesi olan Ayasofya adı "Kutsal Bilgelik" anlamına gelir. Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in 1461

ayasofya ayasofyacamii trabzon yakupergenç

City & Architecture 25.12.2014

Sille Çay Cami

Çarşı camii olarak 19. Yüzyılda inşa edilen Sille Çay Camisinin mihrap, minber ve kürsüsünde zengin ahşap işçiliğinin en güzel örneğidir. "Tarihe Vefa" Projesi kapsamında restorasyonu tamamlandı.

City & Architecture 27.02.2017

Wieliczka Tuz Madeni Katedrali

Wieliczka Tuz Madeni, Polonya'nın Krakow kenti yakınlarında bulunan bir tuz madenidir.
Wieliczka Tuz Madeni'nin en önemli özelliği dünyanın en eski tuz madenlerinden biri olmasıdır. O kadar ki maden tarih öncesi çağlardan beri kullanılmıştır. Maden 1996 yılında düşük tuz fiyatları ve madendeki bir çökme

City & Architecture 18.04.2014

Bolan Pass Balochistan

Bolan Pass
It lies SE of Quetta city .
It connects Balochistan to rest of the World.

Bolan Pass Travel mighty mountain landscape bridges gorges

Travel 15.11.2016


İstanbul'un Latinler tarafından işgal edilmesinden sonra kaçan ve Trabzon'da 1204 yılında Trabzon imparatorluğunu kuran Komnenos Ailesinden Kral I.Manuel (1238-1263) tarafından 1250-1260 yılları arasında yaptırılan ve bir manastır kilisesi olan Ayasofya adı "Kutsal Bilgelik" anlamına gelir. Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in 1461

Trabzon Ayasofya Ayasofya Camii Kilise Müze

City & Architecture 10.07.2014

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