


Hibiscus moscheutos, the rose mallow is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It is a cold-hardy perennial wetland plant that can grow in large colonies.
Numerous forms exist in nature. It is a tall plant, with a height of 1.5–2.5 metres and flowers up to 20 centimetres across. Petal colors range from pure white

plant flower hibiscus in bloom garden

Flowers 14.08.2024


Echinacea purpurea, the eastern purple coneflower, purple coneflower, hedgehog coneflower, or echinacea, is a North American species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to parts of eastern North America.

plant flowers echinacea pink blooming butterfly

Flowers 23.07.2024


The King pigeon is a breed of pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding primarily as a utility breed. Kings along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons are all descendants from the rock dove.
The breed also has a variety bred for exhibition purposes at pigeon shows. It is called the Show King to distinguish

animals birds pigeons white king show

Birds 09.02.2024


Echinacea purpurea, the eastern purple coneflower, hedgehog coneflower, or echinacea, is a North American species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to parts of eastern North America and present to some extent in the wild in much of the eastern, southeastern and midwestern United States as well as in the Canadian

plants flowers echinacea colorful garden

Flowers 27.09.2023


Echinacea purpurea is used in traditional medicine. Although commonly sold as a dietary supplement, there is insufficient scientific evidence that Echinacea products are effective or safe for improving health or treating any disease.

plant flower echinacea buds garden

Flowers 12.08.2023


Digitalis purpurea, the foxglove or common foxglove, is a toxic species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae, native to and widespread throughout most of temperate Europe. It has also naturalised in parts of North America and some other temperate regions. The plant is a popular garden subject, with many cultivars

plant flower foxglove purple toxic decorative

Flowers 05.08.2023


Echinacea purpurea or purple coneflower is an herbaceous perennial up to 120 cm tall by 25 cm wide at maturity. Depending on the climate, it blooms throughout summer into autumn.

plant flower pink echinacea gardrn

Flowers 20.07.2023


Echinacea purpurea or purple coneflower, is a North American species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to parts of eastern North America. Its habitats include dry open woods, prairies and barrens.

plants herbs flowers blooming garden

Flowers 18.07.2023


Hazaganji National Park Quetta

Mountain path nature life pure jungle

Landscapes 06.09.2021


Çocuk, ne muazzam şey!
İnsanlığın üzerine doğan güneş sanki; karanlığı silip süpüren,
dağıtan bütün sisleri.
O'dur en güzel; en gerçek duygularda gezdiren,
O'dur neşeye boğan, ölümsüz hissettiren bizleri.

Family 08.05.2019



Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs. The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug". The tarsi are 3-segmented.

osuruk böceği Stink bug

Macro 06.06.2014

Güzeldere Şelalesi

Güzeldere Şelalesi, Düzce’nin Gölyaka ilçesinin sınırları içerisinde Düzce’ye 28, Gölyaka’ya ise 16 km mesafedeki Gölyaka-Güzeldere Köyü’ndedir ve rakımı 630 metredir. Güzeldere Köyü’nden geçen Bıçkı Deresi üzerinde bulunan Güzeldere Şelalesi 130 m. yükseklikten dökülen suyun doğal coşkusunun

Güzeldere Şelalesi Düzce

Landscapes 15.03.2015


Çocuk, ne muazzam şey!
İnsanlığın üzerine doğan güneş sanki; karanlığı silip süpüren,
dağıtan bütün sisleri.
O'dur en güzel; en gerçek duygularda gezdiren,
O'dur neşeye boğan, ölümsüz hissettiren bizleri.

Family 08.05.2019

Güzeldere Şelalesi...

Güzeldere Şelalesi :
Düzce’nin Gölyaka ilçesinin sınırları içerisinde Düzce’ye 28, Gölyaka’ya ise 16 km mesafedeki Gölyaka-Güzeldere Köyü’ndedir ve rakımı 630 metredir. Güzeldere Köyü’nden geçen Bıçkı Deresi üzerinde bulunan Güzeldere Şelalesi 130 m. yükseklikten dökülen suyun doğal coşkusunun

Güzeldere Şelale Eftani Gölü Düzce

Landscapes 23.11.2015

Pamuk Helvacı...

"Cotton candy vendor"

"Cotton candy, popularly known as cotton candy with another name that candy cane and sugar into natural pure sugar and sugar derived from the beets little cotton candy produced with added food coloring great little that everyone likes, is a sweet kind of liked it."

Pamuk helva,

Pamuk Helvacı Değirmendere Gölcük

People 18.09.2016

Sarı Gül..

sen yalnızlığım
sen aydınlığım
sen sevemedeğim
sen sarılıp öpemediğim

sen yalnızlığa bir nefes
sen sensizliğe su
sen denizlere köpüren
coşan bir dalgasın

sarı gül sende yalnızsın
sarı gül
aşkı buldum sende vaz geçemem

gül çiçek sarı

Flowers 29.06.2018

Living with Nature #2....

a home at Chiltan-alley, near Quetta, Balochistan

open nature pure life living

Landscapes 01.12.2016

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