Spathiphyllum are commonly known as spath or peace lilies.
The plant does not need large amounts of light or water to survive. They are most often grown as houseplants, however they are able to withstand the elements well enough to thrive when planted outdoors in situations that are hot and humid.
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Flowers 08.09.2024It is a small, but fast-growing annual plant growing to 30 cm tall, though usually less. However, if it is cultivated properly, it can easily reach this height. The leaves are thick and fleshy, up to 2.5 cm long, arranged alternately or in small clusters. The flowers are 2.5–3 cm diameter with five petals, variably red, orange, pink,
Zoom in/out 29.08.2024Lake Solina is an artificial lake in the Bieszczady Mountains region, more precisely in Lesko County of the Subcarpathian Voivodship of Poland.
The lake's great depth, water clarity, and mountainous scenery makes it a very popular destination. The lake is also known as the Bieszczady Sea.
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Landscapes 28.11.2023Lake Solina is an artificial lake in the Bieszczady Mountains region, more precisely in Lesko County of the Subcarpathian Voivodship of Poland. The lake was created in 1968 by the construction of the Solina Dam on the San River.
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Sea - Lake 16.11.2023Tea roses are a symbol of sympathy, joy and friendship. Tea roses also reflect energy, enthusiasm, zeal and pride.
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Flowers 26.08.2023History
The nature reserve "Taubergießen" is one of the last paradises in Germany. Many endangered animals and plants have their home here.
The area enclosed by the Vosges and Black Forest emerged when the path of the Rhine no longer led to the Rhône, and thus into the Mediterranean, but made its way north at
The Schliffkopf is a mountain in the Northern Black Forest between Baiersbronn, Ottenhöfen and Oppenau. It is 1,053.6 m above sea level (NHN)[1]. The Schliffkopf lies on the Black Forest High Road in the National Park and is the site of an eponymous four star "wellness" hotel. Various long distance paths, including the West Way, run
Seasons 06.02.2020Spathoglotis unguiculata, orchid
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Flowers 11.05.2018Spathoglotis unguiculata orchid from Brazil
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Flowers 05.05.2018A new year means new hope, new light, new thoughts and new paths to the goal ... :heart:
Yeni bir yıl, yeni umut, yeni ışık, yeni düşünceler ve hedefe yeni yollar anlamına geliyor ...
The Schliffkopf is a mountain in the Northern Black Forest between Baiersbronn, Ottenhöfen and Oppenau. It is 1,053.6 m above sea level (NHN)[1]. The Schliffkopf lies on the Black Forest High Road in the National Park and is the site of an eponymous four star "wellness" hotel. Various long distance paths, including the West Way, run
Seasons 06.02.2020"Rabbin bal arısına şöyle vahyetti: "Dağlardan, ağaçlardan ve insanların kurdukları çardaklardan kendine göz göz ev (kovan) edin. Sonra da her türlü meyveden ye de Rabbinin sana yayılman için belirlediği yolları tut." Onların karınlarından renkleri çeşit çeşit bir şerbet çıkar ki onda insanlara şifa vardır.
Insect 06.03.2014History
The nature reserve "Taubergießen" is one of the last paradises in Germany. Many endangered animals and plants have their home here.
The area enclosed by the Vosges and Black Forest emerged when the path of the Rhine no longer led to the Rhône, and thus into the Mediterranean, but made its way north at
Şirince, İzmir'in Selçuk ilçesine bağlı ve Selçuk'a 8 km. mesafede tarihi mimarisi korunması başarılmış turistik bir köydür.
Özgün adı olan Kırkınca'nın efsanevi bir çağda dağlara vuran kırk kişiye atfen verildiği rivayet edilir. Rum telaffuzunda Kirkice, Kirkince ve nihayet Çirkince gibi biçimler
Açıklama : Şirince, İzmir'in Selçuk ilçesine bağlı ve Selçuk'a 8 km. mesafede tarihi mimarisi korunması başarılmış turistik bir köydür.
Özgün adı olan Kırkınca'nın efsanevi bir çağda dağlara vuran kırk kişiye atfen verildiği rivayet edilir. Rum telaffuzunda Kirkice, Kirkince
Şirince Zeytin Asma Üzüm Şarap Selçuk İzmir
Landscapes 06.02.2016Güzeldere Şelalesi "Şelaleye inen yaklaşık bir kilometrelik yol, oldukça rampadır. Patika yol olarak yapılan yol da tamamen doğal bir yapıdır.Şelaleye giderken muhtelif yerlerde banklı tahta masalardan bulunuyor. Bir sabah kahvaltınızı veya öğlen yemeğinizi şelale manzarasıyla da yiyebilirsiniz. Patika tahta korkuluklarla
Nature 10.06.2015A new year means new hope, new light, new thoughts and new paths to the goal ... :heart:
Yeni bir yıl, yeni umut, yeni ışık, yeni düşünceler ve hedefe yeni yollar anlamına geliyor ...
Spathoglotis unguiculata, orchid
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Flowers 11.05.2018Spathoglotis unguiculata orchid from Brazil
Spathoglotis unguiculata Spathoglotis unguiculata orchid flower pará brazil amazon nature nature
Flowers 05.05.2018Philippine Orchid / Philippine Ground Orchid or Large Purple Orchid (Spathoglottis plicata)
Flowers 20.04.2016