Atardecer en la marisma del Rocío
El rocio marisma atardecer naturaleza belleza garzas animales
Nature 17.12.2024Clematis climb very well on natural supports, such as other plants or dead branches. This is their natural way of growing in nature, which is worth arranging in every garden.
It is better to plant clematis on the north side of the supporting plant, which will provide shade to its base. They should be planted at some distance
plant flower clematis climbing garden
Flowers 15.09.2024Lepidoptera is an order of winged insects which includes butterflies and moths.
They play an important role in the natural ecosystem as pollinators and serve as primary consumers in the food chain; conversely, their larvae (caterpillars) are considered very problematic to vegetation in agriculture, as they consume large quantity
nature butterfly colorful flower zinnia white
Butterfly 09.09.2024Swamp hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos), also known as perennial hibiscus or marsh hibiscus, is a plant of the mallow family. It occurs naturally in the southeastern part of North America, in marshy areas, on rivers and lakes.
plant flower hibiscus white and pink blooming garden
Flowers 23.08.2024Echinacea is recommended primarily during the cold season, among other things to strengthen the immunity of children and adults. Echinacea tea, brewed from natural dried herbs, works great for this purpose. Echinacea is also a popular ingredient in all dietary supplements intended to build immunity and fight flu and other respiratory
plant flower echinacea pink garden
Flowers 10.08.2024Lilium candidum, the Madonna lily or white lily is a plant in the true lily family. It is native to the Balkans and Middle East, and naturalized in other parts of Europe, including France, Italy, and Ukraine, and in North Africa, the Canary Islands, Mexico, and other regions.
It forms bulbs at ground level, and, unlike other
plant flower lily white garden
Flowers 07.08.2024Zinnia elegans known as youth-and-age, common zinnia or elegant zinnia, is an annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to Mexico but grown as an ornamental in many places and naturalised in several places, including scattered locations in South and Central America, the West Indies, the United States, Australia,
plant flowers zinnia white garden
Flowers 04.08.2024Canna or canna lily is the only genus of flowering plants in the family Cannaceae, consisting of 10 species. All of the genus's species are native to the American tropics and naturalized in Europe, India and Africa in the 1860s. Although they grow native to the tropics, most cultivars have been developed in temperate climates and are
plant flower canna in bloom garden
Flowers 03.08.2024Beautiful Natural Geometry of Leaves
Leave Colourful Fine Nature Green
Plant 29.06.2024Syringa vulgaris or common lilac, is a species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae, native to the Balkan Peninsula, where it grows on rocky hills. Grown in spring for its scented flowers, this large shrub or small tree is widely cultivated and has been naturalized in parts of Europe, Asia and North America.
plant bush flowers lilac blooming spring
Flowers 15.04.2024Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 to 340 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. The natural range of Magnolia species is disjunct, with a main center in east and southeast Asia and a secondary center in eastern North America, Central America, the West Indies, and some species in South
plant shrub flower magnolia in bloom spring
Flowers 03.04.2024Narcissus jonquilla, commonly known as jonquil or rush daffodil, is a bulbous flowering plant, a species of the genus Narcissus that is native to Spain and Portugal but has now become naturalised in many other regions.
plants flowers spring flowers daffodils yellow garden
Flowers 07.03.2024A bird smaller than a gray heron. It does not occur naturally in Poland. In flight, features such as long wings and a short tail are clearly visible.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects, and other small animals.
animal bird ibis black beak tree
Birds 29.02.2024:)
(Samsung es90 dijital)
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Cats & Dogs 29.12.2014The Schliffkopf is a mountain in the Northern Black Forest between Baiersbronn, Ottenhöfen and Oppenau. It is 1,053.6 m above sea level (NHN)[1]. The Schliffkopf lies on the Black Forest High Road in the National Park and is the site of an eponymous four star "wellness" hotel. Various long distance paths, including the West Way, run
Seasons 06.02.2020Efteni Gölü, Düzce’nin 14 km. güney batısında, Elmacık Dağı silsilesinin eteğinde, Düzce Ovasına ait akarsu ağının birleştiği ve Büyük Melen kanalıyla Karadeniz’e döküldüğü ekolojik bir ağın düğüm noktasındadır.Gölyaka ilçesine 2km.mesafede bulunan Efteni Gölü, göçmen kuşların göç yolu üzerinde
Sea - Lake 17.11.2015" Efteni Lake & Bird looking tower"
Efteni Gölü, Düzce’nin 14 km. güney batısında, Elmacık Dağı silsilesinin eteğinde, Düzce Ovasına ait akarsu ağının birleştiği ve Büyük Melen kanalıyla Karadeniz’e döküldüğü ekolojik bir ağın düğüm noktasındadır.Gölyaka ilçesine 2km.mesafede bulunan
Efteni Gölü Kuş Cenneti Kuş Seyir Terası Gözetleme Kulesi Düzce
Landscapes 11.11.2016It´s located in the middle of Natural Reserve of Sado Estuary next to Comporta (at the south top of Tróia peninsula) and to its beaches. This village has preserved a masterpiece of popular architecture. It is a quay set on wooden stakes stretching and spreading throughout hundreds of meters along the muddy brooks of Sado river. This
Uncategorized 08.01.2015Güzeldere Şelalesi, Düzce’nin Gölyaka ilçesinin sınırları içerisinde Düzce’ye 28, Gölyaka’ya ise 16 km mesafedeki Gölyaka-Güzeldere Köyü’ndedir ve rakımı 630 metredir. Güzeldere Köyü’nden geçen Bıçkı Deresi üzerinde bulunan Güzeldere Şelalesi 130 m. yükseklikten dökülen suyun doğal coşkusunun
Landscapes 15.03.2015Samsung es90 dijital
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Landscapes 02.01.2015" Pamukkale, in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey Natural is a tourist Paradise. The city of hot springs and terraces of carbonate minerals from the flowing water, travertine included. In the Aegean region of Turkey, is located in the Menderes River Valley with a temperate climate."
Pamukkale, güneybatı Türkiye'deki
Pamukkale Traverten Işık Gölge Yansıma Denizli
Travel 02.03.2016Richmond Park , London 2014
Young female deer eating!!! richmong park london natural park england 2014 deer deers aniimals female black and white
Animals 11.12.2014Lower Saxony State Museum Hanover, inaugurated in 1856 in the presence of George V of Hanover: The museum comprises the State Gallery (Landesgalerie), featuring paintings and sculptures from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, plus departments of archaeology, natural history and ethnology. The museum includes a vivarium with fish,
Lower Saxony State Museum Hanover Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover Nacht night
Night 10.11.2015
" Pamukkale, is a natural site in Denizli in southwest Turkey . Urban spas and the rest of the flowing waters of the terraces of carbonate minerals include travertine . Turkey's Aegean region, located in the Menderes River valley, which has a temperate climate."
Pamukkale, güneybatı Türkiye'deki
Pamukkale Travertenler Denizli
Travel 31.07.2016Samsung es90 dijital
Sevgi, bir kırgınlığın gölgesinde üşüyen samimiyettir bazen
black and white portraid nature natural black white
Portrait 18.01.2015Yalova'nın önemli turizm yeri olan Çınarcık ilçesine bağlı Teşvikiye delmece yaylasına bulunan Dipsiz Göl, doğal güzelliği ile dikkatleri üzerinde topluyor. Teşvikiye beldesinde bulunan bir krater göl olan Dipsiz Göl’ün derinliği halen bilinmemektedir.
"Bottomless Lake ,
Yalova important tourism
Dipsiz Göl Krater Delmece Teşvikiye Çınarcık Yalova
Sea - Lake 14.05.2015