


A mountain stream in the Central Sudetes, in the Table Mountains, the length of the stream is 6.7 km.

landscape view autumn stream water houses trees

Landscapes 30.11.2024


The Buddhist Enlightenment Stupa in Benalmadena is the largest shrine of its kind in the West. It is 33 meters high and lies on the slope of the Sierra de Mijas mountains with a beautiful panorama west of Malaga. It is located on an observation deck designed by an architect of Polish origin, Wojtek Kossowski.

architecture stupa Buddhist high white

Object 06.05.2024


On the way to Marbella in Spain.
Marbella is a city and municipality in southern Spain, belonging to the province of Málaga in the autonomous community of Andalusia. It is part of the Costa del Sol.
Marbella is situated on the Mediterranean Sea, between Málaga and the Strait of Gibraltar, in the foothills of the Sierra

travel highway cars mountains view

Travel 25.04.2024


The Tiber is the third-longest river in Italy and the longest in Central Italy, rising in the Apennine Mountains.
The river has achieved lasting fame as the main watercourse of the city of Rome, which was founded on its eastern banks.

city Rome river Tiber bridge architecture

River - stream 19.02.2024

پرانا مچھ، abundant Old City...

Very old City in Bolan valley called "old" Machh which was totally destroyed in devastating 1935 Earthquake.
New city was built few miles away.

Dwelling Mountains Valley Bolan Balochistan

Landscapes 22.12.2023


The lake was created in 1968 by the construction of the Solina Dam on the San River. It has an area of 22 square kilometres. It is the best known tourist attraction of the region, with waterside villages like Solina, Myczkowce and Polańczyk catering to watersports enthusiasts. The lake's great depth, water clarity, and mountainous

scenery lake water mountains nature

Landscapes 17.12.2023


Lake Solina, an artificial lake in Bieszczady Mountains, Poland.
It is the best known tourist attraction of the region, with waterside villages like Solina, Myczkowce and Polańczyk catering to watersports enthusiasts. The lake's great depth, water clarity, and mountainous scenery makes it a very popular destination. The lake

landscape scenery lake water sky clouds mountains umbrellas HDR

Sea - Lake 03.12.2023


Lake Solina is an artificial lake in the Bieszczady Mountains region, more precisely in Lesko County of the Subcarpathian Voivodship of Poland.
The lake's great depth, water clarity, and mountainous scenery makes it a very popular destination. The lake is also known as the Bieszczady Sea.

view landscape lake mountains island man nature

Landscapes 28.11.2023


Wąchock Abbey is a Cistercian abbey in Wąchock, Poland. Located in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains of south-eastern Poland, Wąchock is best known for the architecture of this Roman Catholic site.
The abbey was founded by Cistercian monks, who came to the region in the late 12th century

architecture abbey buildings tree monks

City & Architecture 16.11.2023



Şanlıurfa'nın bir ilçesi. G.Antep ile Urfa arasında kalıyor. Eski Halfeti fırat nehri üzerindeki baraj nedeniyle sular altında kalan kısımdır (köy sular altında sadece caminin minaresi görülebiliyor.) buradaki insanlar yeni Halfeti'ye yerleştirilmiştir.
iki dağ arasında kalmış baraj suyu mükemmel bir güzellik,

Travel 29.01.2015

Spring Day - Sun and Rain

Landscape near by Bockenem, Lower Saxony, Germany. In the background are mountains of the National Parc Harz
Landschaft in der Nähe von Bockenem. Im Hintergrund sind Berge des Nationalparks Harz zu sehen.

Harz Nationalpark National Park Bockenem Nette Landschaft Frühling Rapsfeld Sonne Regen Sun Rain

Landscapes 11.05.2014

Dağdaki Kulübe

Hut in the mountains...
Yuvacık - Başiskele / Kocaeli

Kocaeli - Başiskele Belediyesi 2013 - Başiskele'de Hayat - Sergileme

Doğa Manzara

Landscapes 09.02.2015

In the Shadows of Chiltan mountain

Koh-i-Chiltan, Chiltan Mount, is a peak
located in the Chiltan mountain group of
the Sulaiman Mountains,
in the Quetta District of Balochistan Province,
in western Pakistan.

Elevation: 10,479' (3,194 m)

camel balochistan harmony travel

Transportation / Car 21.07.2015

Mighty CHILTAN Mountain....

Koh-i-Chiltan, Chiltan Mount, is a peak located in the Chiltan mountain group of the Sulaiman Mountains, in the Quetta District of Balochistan Province, in western Pakistan.

Koh-i-Chiltan is the summit of a steep, rocky mountain called Chiltan or Chehel-Tan (Persian/Balochi: 'Forty Bodies'). Koh-i-Chiltan is the

Chiltan Balochistan mountain nature grandure

Landscapes 18.12.2016

Sunflower Field

Sonnenblumenfeld in der Nähe des Harzes.
Sunflowers nearby Harz Mountains

Sonnenblumenfeld Sonnenuntergang Harz Helsungen Blankenburg Deutschland Germany Sunset Harz Mountains

Flowers 16.07.2018

Harz Mountains

Blick vom Hexentanzplatz Thale zur Rosstrappe
View from 'Witches' Dance Floor" to "Rosstrappe", a 403-metre-high (1,322 ft) granite crag in the Harz mountains

Hexentanzplatz Thale Rosstrappe Harz Harz Mountains Witches Dance Floor Granite crag

Landscapes 20.11.2017

The beatiful sunrise at dawn

long chain of mountains at dawn

Sunset - Sunrise 13.06.2019

Quetta by night...

(Urdu: کوئٹہ‎, Pashto: کوټه‎, Balochi: کویته About this sound pronunciation ) is the provincial capital of Balochistan, Pakistan.

The ninth-largest city of Pakistan.
The city is known as the fruit garden of Pakistan, due to the numerous fruit

Quetta Balochistan Night City People

Travel 05.01.2017

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