

Portulaca grandiflora

Portulaca grandiflora is a succulent flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and often cultivated in gardens. It has many common names, including rose moss eleven o'clock, Mexican rose, moss rose, sun rose, rock rose, and moss-rose purslane.
It is also seen in South Asia

Plant 16.07.2023

Huperzia squarrosa (Lycopodium squarrosum)

This tropical club moss from Southeast Asia is known by several names. The accepted name (according to PPG 1) is Phlegmarius squarrosus, but in most sources one finds the name Huperzia squarrosa or Lycopodium squarrosum.

No matter what the name really is, this beautiful spore plant is a real eye-catcher in any tropical

Plant 27.02.2023

Frozen Moss

Frozen drops and a little bit snow on moss

frozen moss snowflakes drops Moos Schneeflocken Tropfen

Seasons 08.02.2015

a rolling stone gathers no moss...

Yuvarlanan Taş Yosun Tutmaz (Atasözü)...

Sea - Lake 16.09.2014

Little Mushrooms

Little Mushrooms - Kleine Pilze

Mushrooms moss Pilze Moos

Seasons 26.11.2013


Frozen Moss

Frozen drops and a little bit snow on moss

frozen moss snowflakes drops Moos Schneeflocken Tropfen

Seasons 08.02.2015

a rolling stone gathers no moss...

Yuvarlanan Taş Yosun Tutmaz (Atasözü)...

Sea - Lake 16.09.2014

Little Mushrooms

Little Mushrooms - Kleine Pilze

Mushrooms moss Pilze Moos

Seasons 26.11.2013

Huperzia squarrosa (Lycopodium squarrosum)

This tropical club moss from Southeast Asia is known by several names. The accepted name (according to PPG 1) is Phlegmarius squarrosus, but in most sources one finds the name Huperzia squarrosa or Lycopodium squarrosum.

No matter what the name really is, this beautiful spore plant is a real eye-catcher in any tropical

Plant 27.02.2023

Portulaca grandiflora

Portulaca grandiflora is a succulent flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and often cultivated in gardens. It has many common names, including rose moss eleven o'clock, Mexican rose, moss rose, sun rose, rock rose, and moss-rose purslane.
It is also seen in South Asia

Plant 16.07.2023

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  • Meryemce


  • Pavel Gradev


  • Ismail Ozdogan


  • Ismail Ozdogan


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