


Statue of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder & former president of modern day Turkey situated outside Bodrum town hall, Mugla Province, Turkey.

monument president mosque palms Bodrum

Object 30.10.2024


Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows -Roman Catholic parish church in Łódź, Poland
Built in 1973–1976. A modern church on a hexagonal plan, with a monumental tower, area 1,500 m2, two-level. Inside the tabernacle in the upper and lower churches, figures of Christ Crucified and Our Lady of Sorrows, made in bronze.

architecture church modern catholic altar inside

City & Architecture 29.01.2024


Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico and Central America.
Like most plants that do not attract pollinating insects through scent, they are brightly colored, displaying most hues, with the exception of blue.
The modern name Asteraceae refers to the appearance of a star with

plant flower dahlia yellow buds garden

Flowers 12.10.2023


Cattle or oxen are large, domesticated, bovid ungulates. They are prominent modern members of the subfamily Bovinae and the most widespread species of the genus Bos. Mature female cattle are referred to as cows and mature male cattle are referred to as bulls. Young female cattle, young male cattle , and castrated male cattle are also

animals mammals cows colorful grass

Animals 14.09.2023

Orchard meadow

Fritschlach Nature Reserve, Karlsruhe-Daxlanden / Germany

"Orchard cultivation is a form of extensive fruit cultivation in which predominantly strong-growing, high-stemmed and large-crowned fruit trees are planted at wide intervals. Characteristic of orchards is the regular underuse as permanent grassland. In addition,

Landscapes 05.09.2023


Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico and Central America.
There are 49 species of Dahlia,with hybrids commonly grown as garden plants.
The modern name Asteraceae refers to the appearance of a star with surrounding rays.

plant flower dahlia in bloom garden

Flowers 05.09.2023

Guineafowl (Numididae)

Guineafowl (/ˈɡɪnifaʊl/; sometimes called "pet speckled hens" or "original fowl") are birds of the family Numididae in the order Galliformes. They are endemic to Africa and rank among the oldest of the gallinaceous birds. Phylogenetically, they branched off from the core Galliformes after the Cracidae (chachalacas, guans, and curassows)

Birds 25.07.2023


The Malinka bathing resort is a resort located in Zgierz, (a city in central Poland, located just to the north of Łódź) built on an area of ​​over 71 hectares, in the vicinity of the slope of Góra Wilamowska.
A modern place of rest and recreation was built in Malinka, including a swimming pool with piers. There is a

summer outside swimming pools people children water season

Seasons 19.07.2023


Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), ratitler içindeki akrabası deve kuşlarından sonra yaşayan en uzun kuş türüdür. Avustralya anakarasında endemiktir ve kıtadaki en büyük yaşayan kuştur. Dromaius cinsinin yaşayan tek üyesidir. Emuların yaşam alanı geçmişte tüm Avustralya ile birlikte güneydeki adalar Tasmanya Adası,


Animals 08.03.2022


"Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Flowers Nature Beautiful wild hardy

Flowers 31.12.2021

Dolmabahçe Palace

In the 19th century, the effect of the renewal and modernization winds of the age was reflected not only on the culture and administration of the Ottoman Empire, but also on its palaces. The most magnificent work revealed by this wind of innovation is the Dolmabahçe Palace, which has the title of being the third largest palace structure

Dolmabahçe Sarayı İstanbul Beşiktaş Osmanlı Mimarisi 19.yy

City & Architecture 13.12.2021

Bolan pass 1st tunnel gate

Bolan Pass

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

The Bolān Pass is a mountain pass through the Toba Kakar range of Balochistan province in western Pakistan, 120 km (75 mi) from the Afghanistan border. The pass is an 89 km (55 mi) stretch of the Bolan river valley from Rindli in the south to Darwāza near

Mountain Bolan pass Travel Landscape Railway Nature Technology

Travel 05.12.2021


Modern Bank Building

Building in Hannover, Aegi Place.
Owner Norddeutsche Landesbank

modern building glass Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover Aegi

City & Architecture 03.01.2014

Orchidee (Bot. Garten, Karlsruhe/Ba.-Württemberg)

Der Botanische Garten Karlsruhe befindet sich in Karlsruhe am Rande des Schlossgartens westlich des Karlsruher Schlosses. Die historischen Bauten Orangerie, Gewächshäuser, Wintergarten und Kunsthalle sowie das moderne Gebäude des Bundesverfassungsgerichts schirmen ihn gegen den Trubel der Stadt ab.

Heute gilt der Botanische

Flowers 17.02.2015

Bolan pass 1st tunnel gate

Bolan Pass

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

The Bolān Pass is a mountain pass through the Toba Kakar range of Balochistan province in western Pakistan, 120 km (75 mi) from the Afghanistan border. The pass is an 89 km (55 mi) stretch of the Bolan river valley from Rindli in the south to Darwāza near

Mountain Bolan pass Travel Landscape Railway Nature Technology

Travel 05.12.2021

Dolmabahçe Palace

In the 19th century, the effect of the renewal and modernization winds of the age was reflected not only on the culture and administration of the Ottoman Empire, but also on its palaces. The most magnificent work revealed by this wind of innovation is the Dolmabahçe Palace, which has the title of being the third largest palace structure

Dolmabahçe Sarayı İstanbul Beşiktaş Osmanlı Mimarisi 19.yy

City & Architecture 13.12.2021


Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae), ratitler içindeki akrabası deve kuşlarından sonra yaşayan en uzun kuş türüdür. Avustralya anakarasında endemiktir ve kıtadaki en büyük yaşayan kuştur. Dromaius cinsinin yaşayan tek üyesidir. Emuların yaşam alanı geçmişte tüm Avustralya ile birlikte güneydeki adalar Tasmanya Adası,


Animals 08.03.2022


Renk tercihleri üzerinde oyalanmayı seven modern psikoloji, "mor acılı ve hüzünlü bir kalbin rengidir" diyor. Bu yüzdenmi daha utangaçtır Mor Çiçekler...(N.B)

Flowers 15.04.2014

Herrenhausen Palace

Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, Germany

The summer residence of the Royal House of Hanover was destroyed in the Second World War. Now it has been rebuilt on the original site to the original plans and filled with life for modern times.

Herrenhäuser Schloss Herrenhausen Palace Hanover Hannover Nacht night

City & Architecture 02.07.2015


Modern hayat \\\"bitiş\\\"lerin bir tür \\\"hata\\\" veya \\\"arıza\\\" olduğu fikri üzerine kuruludur. Tabiat her Sonbahar bunun doğru olmadığını hatırlatıyor. Bitişin, ayrılığın, ölümün de kendine has bir güzelliği var.

Landscapes 10.10.2014

SREBRENİTSA nın masumlarına,Saygı ile.

20. Utanç yılında "Srebrenitsa" da modern dünyanın gözleri önünde katledilen masumlara saygıyla........... :( (((

srebrenitsa Bosna Hersek

Flowers 11.07.2015


"Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Flowers Nature Beautiful wild hardy

Flowers 31.12.2021

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