

Dark-branded Bushbrown

Dark-branded Bushbrown or Dark Brand Bush Brown
Scientific name: Mycalesis mineus
Mycalesis mineus, the dark-branded bushbrown or dark brand bush brown, is a species of satyrine butterfly found in Asia. (Wikipedia)

Dark-branded Bushbrown Dark Brand Bush Brown butterfly Mycalesis mineus satyrine butterfly nature macro d800e butterflies in kerala

Butterfly 24.07.2017

Greater Coucal

Greater Coucal Bird | Chemboth | Uppan | Crow Pheasant

Scietific Name: Centropus sinensis

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/640 sec. ISO: 640. Metering Mode: Pattern.

Greater Coucal Bird Chemboth Uppan Crow Pheasant Centropus sinensis Greater Coucal birds in kerala kerala birds nature birds

Birds 26.05.2017

common kingfisher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

common kingfisher kingfisher birds nature birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony bimalji nikon d800e fish eating birds

Birds 19.05.2017


Greater Coucal

Greater Coucal Bird | Chemboth | Uppan | Crow Pheasant

Scietific Name: Centropus sinensis

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/640 sec. ISO: 640. Metering Mode: Pattern.

Greater Coucal Bird Chemboth Uppan Crow Pheasant Centropus sinensis Greater Coucal birds in kerala kerala birds nature birds

Birds 26.05.2017

common kingfisher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

common kingfisher kingfisher birds nature birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony bimalji nikon d800e fish eating birds

Birds 19.05.2017

Dark-branded Bushbrown

Dark-branded Bushbrown or Dark Brand Bush Brown
Scientific name: Mycalesis mineus
Mycalesis mineus, the dark-branded bushbrown or dark brand bush brown, is a species of satyrine butterfly found in Asia. (Wikipedia)

Dark-branded Bushbrown Dark Brand Bush Brown butterfly Mycalesis mineus satyrine butterfly nature macro d800e butterflies in kerala

Butterfly 24.07.2017


Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec. ISO: 1250. Metering Mode: Pattern.

കണ്ടത്തിമുണ്ടി birds in kerala water birds Indian Pond Heron kerala birds bimal antony kerala western ghats

Birds 02.04.2017

brown chested flycatcher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 350 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

flycatcher fly catcher brown chested fly catcher birds birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony western ghats nature nikon d800e

Birds 15.03.2017

white throat kingfisher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 360 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/3200 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

white throat kingfisher kingfisher birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony

Birds 12.04.2017

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