


Gallant robber Rumcajs , his wife Manka, and their son, little robber Cipísek are fictional characters popularized by two children's animated television series broadcast as part of the Večerníček TV program in Czechoslovakia.

sculpture man robber Rumcajs fine art

Fine Art 26.02.2025


Statue of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder & former president of modern day Turkey situated outside Bodrum town hall, Mugla Province, Turkey.

monument president mosque palms Bodrum

Object 30.10.2024


The port has ferries to other nearby Turkish and Greek ports and islands.Bodrum has three large marinas and cruise berths. The first marina, Milta, is located in the center of Bodrum. The second marina is located in Turgutreis, and the third, Palmarina, in Yalikavak.

marina yachts port wharf people city

Travel 09.10.2024


Hibiscus syriacus is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae.
It is the national flower of South Korea and is mentioned in the South Korean national anthem.

shrub flowers hibiscus pink decorative

Flowers 28.09.2024


The spider species Araneus diadematus is commonly called the European garden spider, cross orbweaver, diadem spider, cross spider, and crowned orb weaver.
Individual spiders' colourings can range from extremely light yellow to very dark grey, but all A. diadematus spiders have mottled white markings across the dorsal abdomen,

animal spider colorful climbing net

Animals 25.09.2024


BUDDLEJA commonly known as butterfly bushes and are frequently cultivated as garden shrubs.The flowers are generally rich in nectar and often strongly honey-scented.

plant shrub flowers buddleja garden

Flowers 21.09.2024


Gulls, or colloquially seagulls, are seabirds of the family Laridae in the suborder Lari.
Gulls are typically medium to large in size, usually grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. Gulls have only a limited ability to dive below the water to feed on deeper prey. To obtain prey from deeper down, many

animal bird seagull white sea water

Birds 16.09.2024


Clematis climb very well on natural supports, such as other plants or dead branches. This is their natural way of growing in nature, which is worth arranging in every garden.
It is better to plant clematis on the north side of the supporting plant, which will provide shade to its base. They should be planted at some distance

plant flower clematis climbing garden

Flowers 15.09.2024


Hylotelephium spectabile is a species of flowering plant in the stonecrop family Crassulaceae, native to China and Korea. Its common names include showy stonecrop, iceplant, and butterfly stonecrop.
Easily grown in pots, it is widely used in decorative beds, rock gardens in particular, or in pots, especially in China where this

plant flowering in bloom garden decorative

Plant 13.09.2024


Lepidoptera is an order of winged insects which includes butterflies and moths.
They play an important role in the natural ecosystem as pollinators and serve as primary consumers in the food chain; conversely, their larvae (caterpillars) are considered very problematic to vegetation in agriculture, as they consume large quantity

nature butterfly colorful flower zinnia white

Butterfly 09.09.2024


Rudbeckia is a plant genus in the Asteraceae or composite family. Rudbeckia flowers feature a prominent, raised central disc in black, brown shades of green, and in-between tones, giving rise to their familiar common names of coneflowers and black-eyed-susans. All are native to North America, and many species are cultivated in gardens

plant flower rudbeckia orange withering

Flowers 06.09.2024


A grape is a fruit, botanically a berry, of the deciduous woody vines of the flowering plant genus Vitis. Grapes are a non-climacteric type of fruit, generally occurring in clusters.
Eaten fresh or in dried form (as raisins, currants and sultanas), grapes also hold cultural significance in many parts of the world, particularly

food fruits grapes delicious ripe

Food 05.09.2024

Portulaca grandiflora

It is a small, but fast-growing annual plant growing to 30 cm tall, though usually less. However, if it is cultivated properly, it can easily reach this height. The leaves are thick and fleshy, up to 2.5 cm long, arranged alternately or in small clusters. The flowers are 2.5–3 cm diameter with five petals, variably red, orange, pink,

Zoom in/out 29.08.2024

Monitor, گوہ ⚜


Monitor Animal Lizzard Cold blooded Amphibious

Animals 23.08.2024


Varda Köprüsü (Alman Köprüsü)

Varda Köprüsü (Alman Köprüsü) veya Viyadüğü, Adana Karaisalı ilçesi Hacıkırı köyünde yer alıyor. Mühendislik harikası olarak nitelendirilen köprü 1900’lü yılların başında Almanlar tarafından inşa edilmiş, bu yüzden Alman Köprüsü diye de adlandırılıyor.

Hacıkırı Demiryolu köprüsü

Varda Köprüsü (Alman Köprüsü) Adana Karaisalı

City & Architecture 29.09.2017


Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs. The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug". The tarsi are 3-segmented.

osuruk böceği Stink bug

Macro 06.06.2014

Golden Dragonfly

Yusufçuk (Anisoptera), odonata takımına ait, kanatlarını dinlenmeleri sırasında yanlara açık olarak yatay tutmalarıyla kızböceklerinden ayrılan bir alttakım. Büyük birleşik gözleri, güçlü saydam (Kanatları), göz alıcı renkleri ve uzunca vücutlarıyla ile tanınırlar. Vücutları kuvvetli yapıda ve hiçbirzaman

Sympetrum flaveolum yusufçuk yusufçuk resimleri yusufçuk fotoğrafları kız böcekleri kızböceği 3N1C9602 25.06.2015

Nature 27.06.2014

Acı Damkoruğu Çiçeği (Sedum Acre)

Acı damkoruğu (Sedum acre), damkoruğugiller (Crassulaceae) familyasından yaygın olan bir damkoruğu türü.

Avrupa, Kuzey Afrika ve Batı Asya'da bulunur. ayrıca Kuzey Amerika'da doğallaşmıştır. Kayalık alanlar, güneşli yamaçlar ve açık arazilerde yetiştir.

5-10 cm yüksekliğinde çok

Damkoruğu Sedum acre Bitki Çiçek Yıldız Sarı Makro

Plant 04.03.2015

Erzurum Evleri

Eski Erzurum Evleri

11 ERZURUM evinde 20 bin ev eşyası bulunuyor
Tarihe tanıklık eden Erzurum evleri, tek bir çatı altında toplanarak restaurant müze haline getirildi.

Şimdilerde restaurant olarak işletilen 11 adet Erzurum evi, yurt içinden ve yurt dışından turistlerin yoğun ilgisini

IMG_1350 Erzurum 16.07.2017 Erzurum Evleri Konak

City & Architecture 27.07.2017


Boyalıca Kasabası - İznik / Bursa

Boyalıca Kasabası İznik Gölünün kuzey kenarında yer alır. Beldenin başlıca geçim kaynağı tarımdır. Bunun büyük bölümünü de zeytincilik oluşturur. 90'lı yılların başlarına kadar ipek böcekçiliği çok yaygındı. Ayrıca az sayıda aile hayvancılık ve

Boyalıca İznik

Landscapes 13.05.2015

Spazierweg entlang der Alb

Fluss in Baden-Württemberg

Beschreibung: Die Alb ist ein etwa 51 Kilometer langer Fluss im Nordschwarzwald und der mittleren Oberrheinischen Tiefebene in Baden-Württemberg, der am Nordrand der Gemarkung der Stadt Karlsruhe von rechts und Süden in den Rhein mündet. Wikipedia
Länge: 52 km

Nature 30.10.2019

Red-Sindhi Cow & Calf

Red Sindhi cattle are the most popular of all Zebu dairy breeds. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan.  They are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate (European) origin dairy breeds

Animals #Red_Sindhi Cow Calf Beautiful

Animals 10.08.2022

Gülibrişim (İpek Ağacı)

İkili tüysü yapraklar karşılıklı dizilmiştir. Çok sayıda küçük yaprakçık bulunur, yaprak kenarları tamdır. Er dişi çiçekler pembe renklidir; çiçekler yaz ortasında (Temmuz ayında) açar.
Polenleri alerjik reaksiyona neden olabilir. Bakla tipi meyve görülür. Asya (İran) kökenli bir bitki olmasına

Plant 18.07.2015



Butterfly 26.05.2017


Albay Reşat Çiğiltepe Şehitliği / Afyon

Reşat (Çiğiltepe) (1879, İstanbul - 27 Ağustos 1922, Çiğiltepe, Sandıklı) Türk asker.

Büyük Taarruz sırasında Çiğiltepe’yi söz verdiği saatte alamaması üzerine intihar etmiş ünlü komutandır.

I. Dünya Savaşı’nda olağanüstü

Şehitlik Çiğiltepe Panorama

Panorama 06.06.2015



*Arkeolojik verilere göre bölgede yerleşimin tarihi Neolitik Çağ'a kadar uzanmaktadır. Yerleşimin isminin kökeni konusunda çeşitli açıklamalar vardır. İlki Yunan mitolojisindeki Silen (Silene)' den geldiğidir. Yine 'Silenos', kaynayıp, coşarak köpürüp akan su, kelimesinden türediği

City & Architecture 28.08.2016

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