


Fish restaurant at the pond in Kudowa, Poland

building restaurant pond water reflect stork ions

Landscapes 01.12.2024


In the Rock City, Adrspach, Czech Republic

lake water reflections rocks trees nature

Nature 15.11.2024


The pond in Zdrowie Park, Łódź, Poland

landscape pond water trees reflections

Landscapes 07.11.2024


Dalyan crabs are one of the unique culinary attractions of the region. Dalyan crabs live in the brackish waters of the Dalyan River Delta and nearby lagoons and estuaries. They prefer shallow, well-oxygenated waters with sandy or muddy bottoms.
They are active predators and scavengers. They feed on fish, mollusks, worms and organic

animal crab sand Dalyan legs

Animals 15.10.2024



Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs. The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug". The tarsi are 3-segmented.

osuruk böceği Stink bug

Macro 06.06.2014

Kathgolap flower

Kathgolap are basically wild in nature; which come in plenty of varieties. The climatic conditions bring about some changes in these groups of flowers from place to place. The tree can be found in abundance and has remained an unsung favourite with the people of this place.

Nature flowers

Flowers 16.07.2019

Rabbin Bal Arısına Vahyetti...

"Rabbin bal arısına şöyle vahyetti: "Dağlardan, ağaçlardan ve insanların kurdukları çardaklardan kendine göz göz ev (kovan) edin. Sonra da her türlü meyveden ye de Rabbinin sana yayılman için belirlediği yolları tut." Onların karınlarından renkleri çeşit çeşit bir şerbet çıkar ki onda insanlara şifa vardır.


Insect 06.03.2014

Sirkeci Tren Garı...

Sirkeci Gar’ı, II. Abdülhamid devrinde İstanbul'un Avrupa Yakası'nda 1890 yılında yapılmıştır. Prusyalı Mimar Jasmund tarafından yapılan bina, Orta Avrupa’daki tüm tren istasyonlarının tasarımına esin kaynağı olmuştur.

"Sirkeci Gar, İt was built in 1890 on the European side of Istanbul during

Sirkeci Tren Gar Mimari Motif İstanbul

City & Architecture 06.04.2019

Arminius Monument

Das Hermannsdenkmal ist eine Kolossalstatue in der Nähe von Detmold in Nordrhein-Westfalen im südlichen Teutoburger Wald. Es wurde zwischen 1838 und 1875 nach Entwürfen von Ernst von Bandel erbaut und am 16. August 1875 eingeweiht.
Das Denkmal soll an den Cheruskerfürsten Arminius und die sogenannte Schlacht im Teutoburger

Hermannsdenkmal Arminius Monument Teutoburger Wald Teutoburg Forest

Landscapes 17.11.2014

Sad Reality in a broken world

The homeless are increasing around the world, millions including children live on the street without a future, the society is moving so fast that we forget completely of their existence, this is a worldwide issue and involved each of us, we must take action now, we can change this sad reality, looking at this old man at his age on

homeless food old man budapest sad reality issue problem

People 18.01.2015

Palafitic pier of Carrasqueira

It´s located in the middle of Natural Reserve of Sado Estuary next to Comporta (at the south top of Tróia peninsula) and to its beaches. This village has preserved a masterpiece of popular architecture. It is a quay set on wooden stakes stretching and spreading throughout hundreds of meters along the muddy brooks of Sado river. This

Uncategorized 08.01.2015

old man sleeping outside at 0 degree

The homeless are increasing around the world, millions including children live on the street without a future, the society is moving so fast that we forget completely of their existence, this is a worldwide issue and involved each of us, we must take action now, we can change this sad reality, looking at this old man at his age on the

homeless food old man budapest sad reality issue problem

People 17.01.2015

Red-Sindhi Cow & Calf

Red Sindhi cattle are the most popular of all Zebu dairy breeds. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan.  They are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate (European) origin dairy breeds

Animals #Red_Sindhi Cow Calf Beautiful

Animals 10.08.2022

Wasserschloss Speicherstadt Hamburg

The Speicherstadt ('City of Warehouses', meaning warehouse district) in Hamburg is the largest warehouse district in the world where the buildings stand on timber-pile foundations, oak logs, in this particular case. As the first site in Hamburg, it has been awarded the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site on 5 July 2015. In the middle

Wasserschloss Speicherstadt Hamburg Fleetschlösschen castle Warehouse city sunset Sonnenuntergang

City & Architecture 14.09.2015

lonely .... stork on the water tank

alone - he probably lost his companions .
they crossing only cyprus .. our area they don't stay

Birds 20.03.2016

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