Honoring plate to the Great healer, who established this missionary Hospital for women Quetta, which is Still serving and people respect this hospital.
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Object 07.09.2021https://www.facebook.com/kgsyapim/photos/a.1917606765148327/2250390291869971/?type=3&theater
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Black and White 29.09.2018National theater in Prague
national theater Prague theater czech republic
Long Exposure 28.03.2018Mit dem Umzug des Markgrafen von Pforzheim Karl II., genannt Karle mit de Dasch, nach Durlach wurde um 1565 an der neuen Residenz ein Lustgarten angelegt, der in Resten als jetziger Schlossgarten mit Rasenflächen, herrlichen alten Bäumen und einer der ältesten Kastanienalleen Deutschlands noch vorhanden ist. Der historische Park
Nature 06.10.2017Photo for graduates with theater´s light only
ballet scene theater boy graduate
People 06.01.2015Staatsoper Hannover is a German opera house and opera company in Hanover.
The home base of Staatsoper Hannover is the Hanover Opera House, a theater built in classical style between 1845 and 1852 based on a plan drawn by Laves. The building was badly damaged in World War II and rebuilt in 1948.
Staatsoper Hannover Opera House Hannover Night Nacht
City & Architecture 19.12.2014Have been attended Yanni's concert twice.....looking forward to the next one. Captured this photo At Qurum Amphitheater Muscat.
Performing Arts 04.09.2014National Theatre in Prague from Charles bridge
national theater prague czech republic
City & Architecture 31.08.2014https://www.facebook.com/kgsyapim/photos/a.1917606765148327/2250390291869971/?type=3&theater
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Black and White 29.09.2018Mit dem Umzug des Markgrafen von Pforzheim Karl II., genannt Karle mit de Dasch, nach Durlach wurde um 1565 an der neuen Residenz ein Lustgarten angelegt, der in Resten als jetziger Schlossgarten mit Rasenflächen, herrlichen alten Bäumen und einer der ältesten Kastanienalleen Deutschlands noch vorhanden ist. Der historische Park
Nature 06.10.2017Staatsoper Hannover is a German opera house and opera company in Hanover.
The home base of Staatsoper Hannover is the Hanover Opera House, a theater built in classical style between 1845 and 1852 based on a plan drawn by Laves. The building was badly damaged in World War II and rebuilt in 1948.
Staatsoper Hannover Opera House Hannover Night Nacht
City & Architecture 19.12.2014National theater in Prague
national theater Prague theater czech republic
Long Exposure 28.03.2018Have been attended Yanni's concert twice.....looking forward to the next one. Captured this photo At Qurum Amphitheater Muscat.
Performing Arts 04.09.2014National Theatre in Prague from Charles bridge
national theater prague czech republic
City & Architecture 31.08.2014Honoring plate to the Great healer, who established this missionary Hospital for women Quetta, which is Still serving and people respect this hospital.
Memorial plate hospital service heater faith
Object 07.09.2021Photo for graduates with theater´s light only
ballet scene theater boy graduate
People 06.01.2015