A honey bee is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade, all native to mainland Afro-Eurasia.
The best known honey bee is the western honey bee, which was domesticated for honey production and crop pollination.
animal insect honey bee useful flower
Insect 29.10.2023Odonata is an order of flying insects that includes the dragonflies and damselflies.
Damselflies are flying insects of the suborder Zygoptera in the order Odonata. They are similar to dragonflies, which constitute the other odonatan suborder, Anisoptera, but are smaller and have slimmer bodies. Most species fold the wings along
animals insects damselflies two pair sitting
Insect 10.07.2023Gulls or seagulls, are seabirds of the family Laridae in the suborder Lari. An older name for gulls is mews. Gulls are resourceful, inquisitive, and intelligent, the larger species in particular, demonstrating complex methods of communication and a highly developed social structure. For example, many gull colonies display mobbing behavior,
animal bird seagull white flying sky
Birds 29.06.2023Shot of my finches in aviary, flying about
Time freeze Finches Beautiful Flight Colourfui Moving
Birds 09.10.2021A little soap bubble flying in the garden
Soap Bubble Seifenblase Spiegelung reflection
Object 09.11.2013Flying bee with pollen
Bee Biene pollen flying fliegende
Insect 22.03.2014Flying Large White - fliegender Kohlweißling
flying butterfly large white fliegender Schmetterling Kohlweißling
Butterfly 24.07.2014Vuelo de una cigueña, en los bellos tonos ocres, del atardecer sobre la laguna
Flight of a stork, in the beautiful ocher tones, sunset over the lagoon
la luna en su eclipse, de fondo al vuelo de un ave ( foto de la luna tomada con sony DSC HX 300 )
photo of the moon taken with Sony DSC HX 300
Rising swan - running on water, Maschsee Hanover Germany
rising swan aufsteigender Schwan fliegend flying running on water auf dem Wasser laufend Maschsee Hannover Germany
Birds 18.01.2014Schreiseeadler im Flug
Schreiseeadler Flug African Fish Eagle
Birds 26.09.2016bees flying towards the flower to drink honey
bee bees honeybees nature macro nectar pollon pollination pollinating bees bimlaji bimal antony
Macro 22.06.2017