Echinacea is recommended primarily during the cold season, among other things to strengthen the immunity of children and adults. Echinacea tea, brewed from natural dried herbs, works great for this purpose. Echinacea is also a popular ingredient in all dietary supplements intended to build immunity and fight flu and other respiratory
plant flower echinacea pink garden
Flowers 10.08.2024Clematis vitalba (also known as old man's beard and traveller's joy) is a shrub of the family Ranunculaceae. Clematis vitalba is a climbing shrub with branched, grooved stems, deciduous leaves, and scented greeny-white flowers with fluffy underlying sepals.
plant flowers clematis white climbing garden
Flowers 25.07.2024Rose hips, or more precisely the coral-red pericarp (because it contains the real tiny nuts that are the fruit), are a vitamin C bomb, containing ten times more of it than black currant. Therefore, wild rose juice and teas are used to strengthen immunity and to treat colds and flu. Fruits are also a raw material for winemaking, they
Food 13.10.2023Clematis vitalba also known as old man's beard is a shrub of the family Ranunculaceae
Clematis vitalba is a climbing shrub with branched, grooved stems, deciduous leaves, and scented greeny-white flowers with fluffy underlying sepals.
This species is eaten by the larvae of a wide range of moths. This includes many species
plant flowers climbing clematis
Flowers 28.07.2023Butterflies are insects that have large, often brightly coloured wings, and a conspicuous, fluttering flight.
Culturally, butterflies are a popular motif in the visual and literary arts. The Smithsonian Institution says "butterflies are certainly one of the most appealing creatures in nature".
animals insect butterfly flower yellow
Butterfly 17.07.2023Taraxacum officinale is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae.
The common dandelion grows in temperate regions of the world in areas with moist soils. It is most often considered a weed, especially in lawns and along roadsides, but the leaves, flowers, and roots are sometimes used in herbal medicine
plants dandelions white fluflly leaves
Plant 23.06.2023Kind of an Orchid with fluffy petals
Fluffy Orchid Flower Colour Nature Photomontage
Macro 20.09.20227th January is his 11th anniversary of departing
Please do remember him in ypur prayers.
He died of sudden silent heart attack while waiting for his friend at our Medical College gate.
That was his engagement day but God had other plans????
God bless his humble sole,
Tragedy Graveyard Father Alone Sad
Uncategorized 06.01.2022Efteni Gölü, Düzce’nin 14 km. güney batısında, Elmacık Dağı silsilesinin eteğinde, Düzce Ovasına ait akarsu ağının birleştiği ve Büyük Melen kanalıyla Karadeniz’e döküldüğü ekolojik bir ağın düğüm noktasındadır.Gölyaka ilçesine 2km.mesafede bulunan Efteni Gölü, göçmen kuşların göç yolu üzerinde
Sea - Lake 17.11.2015" Efteni Lake & Bird looking tower"
Efteni Gölü, Düzce’nin 14 km. güney batısında, Elmacık Dağı silsilesinin eteğinde, Düzce Ovasına ait akarsu ağının birleştiği ve Büyük Melen kanalıyla Karadeniz’e döküldüğü ekolojik bir ağın düğüm noktasındadır.Gölyaka ilçesine 2km.mesafede bulunan
Efteni Gölü Kuş Cenneti Kuş Seyir Terası Gözetleme Kulesi Düzce
Landscapes 11.11.2016Ilse River in Ilse Valley of Harz Mountains
River Fluss Ilsetal Wasserfälle Harz Herbst Autumn
Waterfall 07.11.2018Alb
Fluss in Baden-Württemberg
Beschreibung: Die Alb ist ein etwa 51 Kilometer langer Fluss im Nordschwarzwald und der mittleren Oberrheinischen Tiefebene in Baden-Württemberg, der am Nordrand der Gemarkung der Stadt Karlsruhe von rechts und Süden in den Rhein mündet. Wikipedia
Länge: 52 km
Hummel im Anflug auf eine Mohnblume
Hummel Mohnblume bumble-bee poppy
Insect 05.06.2017Fotograf makinasında netleme yapmadan fotograf çekmek gözü bir hayli yorar hatta istenmeyen fotograflardandır. Ben netleme yapmadan panorama çekimi denedim biraz zorlandım sayılır ama biraz fluluk kar yağışı azcık bokehlerle oldu gibi siz ne dersiniz 15 dik kadrajdan oluşmuş Kayseride Gece Panoramam için
Fotograf makinasında netleme yapmadan fotograf çekmek gözü bir hayli yorar hatta istenmeyen fotograflardandır. Ben netleme yapmadan panorama çekimi denedim biraz zorlandım sayılır ama biraz fluluk kar yağışı azcık bokehlerle oldu gibi siz ne dersiniz 15 dik kadrajdan oluşmuş Kayseride Gece Panoramam için Sony Nex 6 f 4 1/60 ISO 1250
Panorama 07.01.2015Mit dem Umzug des Markgrafen von Pforzheim Karl II., genannt Karle mit de Dasch, nach Durlach wurde um 1565 an der neuen Residenz ein Lustgarten angelegt, der in Resten als jetziger Schlossgarten mit Rasenflächen, herrlichen alten Bäumen und einer der ältesten Kastanienalleen Deutschlands noch vorhanden ist. Der historische Park
Nature 06.10.2017Little fly on the bumblebee wings
bumblebee wings fly hummel flügel fliege
Insect 31.07.2014Efteni Gölü - Efteni Lake & Red
Efteni Gölü, Düzce’nin 14 km. güney batısında, Elmacık Dağı silsilesinin eteğinde, Düzce Ovasına ait akarsu ağının birleştiği ve Büyük Melen kanalıyla Karadeniz’e döküldüğü ekolojik bir ağın düğüm noktasındadır.Gölyaka ilçesine 2km.mesafede bulunan Efteni