

Astrophytum myriostigma

Astrophytum myriostigma, the bishop's cap cactus, bishop's hat or bishop's miter cactus, is a species of cactus native to the highlands of northeastern and central Mexico.

Synonyms include Echinocactus myriostigma, Astrophytum prismaticum, A. columnare, A. tulense, and A. nuda.


Plant 04.07.2024

Neat Geometry ⚜⚜

Beautiful Natural Geometry of Leaves

Leave Colourful Fine Nature Green

Plant 29.06.2024


This flower basket is made of small, colorful stones.

basket stones flowers colorful decoration fine art

Fine Art 27.02.2024


Cultivated plant: in gardening, a species from southern Africa, the so-called Jameson's gerbera. In countries with a warm climate, it is grown in rock gardens. In Poland, it does not survive the winter, it is grown only in greenhouses, mainly as a cut flower.

plant flower gerbera yellow arrangement fine art

Fine Art 16.02.2024


It is an exotic plant that enjoys constant interest among herbalists and supporters of natural support for the body. It is a perennial plant that grows in its natural environment in South America, mainly Peru. Its characteristic feature are golden-orange flowers with an unusual shape of bells. When the flowers ripen, they produce yellow

plants flowers physalis arrangement fine art

Fine Art 18.01.2024


Jetty on stilts

For over two centuries, the port built in traditional wooden stakes, has served as anchorage for local boats. Over the wharf, stand small buildings which support the fishermen.
This palafitte port, unique in Europe, lies a small fishing village, Carrasqueira on the left bank of the River Sado. Here, you can enjoy breathtaking

Long Exposure 22.03.2015


Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş.

3N1C3033 tüpraş halıdere 26.07.2015

Night 26.07.2015

Yine Evimize Gelen Başka Bir Böcük...

HAZİRAN BÖCEĞİ...Tanımı ve Yaşayışı:
●Erginlerde vücut uzunluğu 28-40 mm olup, erkeklerinde yelpaze Ģeklinde anten bulunur.Vücut rengi kırmızımsı kahverengi zemin üzerine küçük odacıklar halinde ve çok sık beyaz pulcuklarla tamamen kaplıdır. Larva manas tipinde, “C” harfine benzer ve bitki kökleriyle

böcekler haziran böceği böcek fotoğrafları

Insect 29.07.2014


Astrophytum myriostigma is a spineless cactus defined by the presence of three to seven (usually five) pronounced vertical ribs which define the cactus' shape when young (the genus name "astrophytum", literally, "star plant", is derived from the resulting star-like shape). As the cactus ages, more ribs may be added and it becomes more

Plant 04.08.2022

An der Alb in Karlsruhe / Deutschland

Die Alb ist ein etwa 51 Kilometer langer Fluss im Nordschwarzwald und der mittleren Oberrheinischen Tiefebene in Baden-Württemberg, der am Nordrand der Gemarkung der Stadt Karlsruhe von rechts und Süden in den Rhein mündet.Die Alb entspringt südöstlich des Berges Teufelsmühle auf etwa 743 m ü. NN. Von hier an fließt sie in nördlicher

River - stream 20.04.2019

Fine job

Eye Surgery at SNGBH Memorial hospital Mastung,Balochistan,Pakistan

Eye-Surgery Fine Healing

Uncategorized 27.09.2017

Ters Laleler

Finepix HS35EXR ile

Flowers 13.04.2016

Surreal sunset

Atardecer, entre colores reales y surreales, casi un fine art

Sunset - Sunrise 07.10.2016

Güneş Banyosu

Keyfine diyecek yok...

Birds 21.06.2018

Cristal Flower

Flor de Hibiscus Hawaiano, con edición de fine art

Fine Art 27.04.2015


Ordu Üniversitesi (ODÜ) Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Yrd. Doç. Dr. Recep Sıralı, arıların bir böcek olarak görülmemesi gerektiğini belirterek, "Arılar olmasa insanlık ancak 4 yıl yaşayabilir" dedi.'Eğer arılar yeryüzünden kaybolursa insanın sadece 4 yıl ömrü kalır, arı olmazsa döllenme,

arı çiçek yakupergenç trabzon canon

Uncategorized 29.04.2015

Türkçe English Deutsch
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