


The spider species Araneus diadematus is commonly called the European garden spider, cross orbweaver, diadem spider, cross spider, and crowned orb weaver.
Individual spiders' colourings can range from extremely light yellow to very dark grey, but all A. diadematus spiders have mottled white markings across the dorsal abdomen,

animal spider colorful climbing net

Animals 25.09.2024

Dua çiçeği Medallion

Calathea medallion (Dua Çiçeği) çiçek açtı mutluluk verici...

Flowers 11.05.2024

Calathea-Rufibarba (Dua çiçeği)

Çiçekleri ilk açtı çok sevintirici...

Flowers 21.02.2024


The King pigeon is a breed of pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding primarily as a utility breed. Kings along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons are all descendants from the rock dove.
The breed also has a variety bred for exhibition purposes at pigeon shows. It is called the Show King to distinguish

animals birds pigeons white king show

Birds 09.02.2024


The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower,[2] topinambur,[2] or earth apple, is a species of sunflower native to central North America.[3][4] It is cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.[5]


Zoom in/out 17.11.2023

Desert beauty ⚜ ⚜

Capparis decidua, very common in our hot weather areas. Flowers in hot months of summer, bears red sweet berries. The bush has no Leaves.

Flower Capparis Nature Beautiful

Macro 03.11.2023


Most bumblebees are social insects that form colonies with a single queen. The colonies are smaller than those of honey bees, growing to as few as 50 individuals in a nest.
They are found primarily in higher altitudes or latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, although they are also found in South America, where a few lowland tropical

animal insect bumblebee plant flower garden

Insect 29.09.2023

Weather change is imminent (Karlsruhe / Germany)

The heat gradually says goodbye. Storms are coming.

Seasons 12.09.2023

Orchard meadow

Fritschlach Nature Reserve, Karlsruhe-Daxlanden / Germany

"Orchard cultivation is a form of extensive fruit cultivation in which predominantly strong-growing, high-stemmed and large-crowned fruit trees are planted at wide intervals. Characteristic of orchards is the regular underuse as permanent grassland. In addition,

Landscapes 05.09.2023

Desert beauty, کلیر⚜ ⚜

Beautiful wild desert flowering plant capparis decidua

KALAIR Nature Wild Plant Petals Colour

Flowers 01.09.2023


Yurdun alt-üst olmuş, bir el beklerken,
Taş atsalar değmez, ne münasebet.
Nefesine feryadını eklerken,
Kuş utanır uçmaz, ne münasebet.

Ne bir evin kaldı, ne de bir yuvan,
Tesellin kendine, "az daha dayan",
Her gece niyazın, her nefes duan,
Baş yastığa değmez,

People 04.03.2023

Amaranthus retroflexus

Amaranthus retroflexus is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae with several common names, including red-root amaranth, redroot pigweed, red-rooted pigweed, common amaranth, pigweed amaranth, and common tumbleweed. Amaranthus retroflexus, true to one of its common names, forms a tumbleweed.[3] It is native to the

Plant 11.09.2022


The emperor goose (Anser canagicus), also known as the beach goose or the painted goose, is a waterfowl species in the family Anatidae, which contains the ducks, geese, and swans. It is blue-gray in color as an adult and grows to 66–71 centimetres (26–28 in) in length. Adults have a black chin and throat, a pink bill, yellow-orange

Birds 14.06.2022


Houses in the fishermen's quarter (Holm)

The Holm (Danish: Holmen) is a fishing district in Schleswig, located on the loop between the old town and the freedom of Schleswig.

The name of the settlement is based on the northern German or Danish word Holm. It means little island. The settlement originated around the year 1000 on a small island off Schleswig, which

City & Architecture 14.01.2020

New Year 2013/2014 - Schliffkopf / Germany

The Schliffkopf is a mountain in the Northern Black Forest between Baiersbronn, Ottenhöfen and Oppenau. It is 1,053.6 m above sea level (NHN)[1]. The Schliffkopf lies on the Black Forest High Road in the National Park and is the site of an eponymous four star "wellness" hotel. Various long distance paths, including the West Way, run

Seasons 06.02.2020

Eyüp Peygamber Sabır Makamı Şanlıurfa

Hz. Eyyüp’ün hastalanması, sabrı ve yeniden sağlığına kavuşması konusu bir çok sözlü ve yazılı kaynakta yer alır. Eyyüp Peygamber’in hayatını anlatan farklı rivayetler olsa da sabrı ile ilgili hikaye ise genel olarak şöyle özetlenir:
"Cenab-ı Hakk, yöre insanları arasında

eyüppeygamber Şanlıurfa

City & Architecture 20.09.2017

Yaman Dede Cami Talas / Kayseri

Allahım, yen,i başlayacağımız, bu, mübarek, cuma, gününde, senden, hayırlar ,diliyoruz, ve, bugunun, içindeki, şerlerden, sana, sığınıyoruz, tüm, duaların, kabul, makbul, olması, dileğimle, hayırlı, cumalar ,
Yaman, Dede, cami, panoramas,ı Talas / Kayseri,
f 4 ,
ISO, 3200,

Allahım yen i başlayacağımız bu mübarek cuma gününde senden hayırlar diliyoruz ve bugunun içindeki şerlerden sana sığınıyoruz tüm duaların kabul makbul olması dileğimle hayırlı cumalar Yaman Dede cami panoramas ı Talas / Kayseri f 4 ISO 3200 1/60 www.mustafabalta.net www.apskayseri.com aps acıkınca pastırma sucuk

Panorama 13.03.2015



Nature 02.01.2021

Hunat Cami ve Medrese Panoraması

Rabbim, hepimizi, bugün, de, dua, edenlerden ,her daim ,şükredenlerden, sevmeyi, bilenlerden, Ya Rabbi, Cennette ,gezenlerden, eyle,! Hayırlı, Cumalar.,
Kayseri Hunat Cami ,Medrese panoraması ,
Sony ,Nex 6 ,
f 8
ISO, 100

Rabbim hepimizi bugün de dua edenlerden her daim şükredenlerden sevmeyi bilenlerden Ya Rabbi Cennette gezenlerden eyle ! Hayırlı Cumalar. Kayseri Hunat Cami Medrese panoraması Sony Nex 6 f 8 ISO 100 1/160 www.apskayseri.com www.mustafabalta.net

Panorama 13.02.2015

'Kalair' Capparis dessidua

Capparis dessidua called Kalair.
Endemic dessert plant of Kachhi plains of Bolan district of Balochistan

Wild Flora Beauty Nature

Plant 25.06.2017

Kardelenler erken açtı Rize'de :)

Binlerce yıl önceymiş. Baharda açan çiçeklerden biri; beyaz olanı renkleriyle göz alan bir başkasına âşık olmuş.

Ama binlerce çiçeğin arasında sevgilisinin dikkatini çekememekten endişeliymiş. Üstelik onu diğer çiçeklerden fena halde kıskanıyormuş.
Demiş ki sevdiğine; kimselerin boy

kardelen çiçeği kışın açan Çiçekler Beyaz çiçekler kardelenler

Flowers 23.11.2014


dualarimiza şükürlerimize tovbelerimize şahit ve duaci olsun ALLAHIN sevdigi büyük kullari

Uncategorized 11.09.2014

Evangelische Stadtkirche Offenburg / Germany

Die evangelische Stadtkirche Offenburg ist die älteste evangelische Kirche Offenburgs, sozusagen die "Mutterkirche". Inzwischen hat sie in Offenburg 5 Töchter bekommen. Die Stadtkirche liegt direkt auf dem Weg zwischen Bahnhof und Zentrum.
Die Bauzeit 1857-1864 stand unter einem ungünstigen Stern. Nach den Plänen des Karlsruher

City & Architecture 14.05.2019

Su damlalı kırmızı gül

Güller vardır gönülleri yakar,
Günler vardır dualara bakar,
Kalpler vardır dualarla akar,
İnsanlar vardır yüreklere nurlar saçar,
Yürekler vardır nurlarla güller açar,
O güller ki kalplere mutluluk saçar…
Kalplerimizde açan mutluluk günleri arasında, gül kokulu CUMALAR.

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Flowers 04.12.2015

Paharpur Buddhist Monastery

The Excavated Remains at Paharpur are highly important in Bangladesh. These represent the largest known Buddhist Monastery South of the Himalayas. The Gradual Deposotion of wind blow dust over these ruins for ages took the shape of a high mound or a hill. Hence the name of the place has probably become Paharpur. Excavations conducted

Street Outdoor Historic

City & Architecture 16.10.2016

Miniciks Hayatlar LALE

Lâle, kelime olarak ele alındığında Arapça "Allâh" lâfzına âit harfleri taşımakta olduğu görülür. Eğlâl kelimesi de "lâle" kökünden gelir. Eğlâl ise Yâsin Sûresi'nde "eğlâlen" şeklinde geçmektedir. Manası ise; "boyunduruk"tur.

Resûlullâh Efendimiz hicret edecekleri vakit kapıdaki müşrikleri

aps kayseri apskayseri mustafabalta miniciks minicix macro micro odaksal panorama diaroma diecast cumhuriyet mahalle muhtar adayı muhtar kiçikapu camikebir

Flowers 15.04.2019

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