


Aster bushy 'Rosenwichtel'
A wonderful, low variety that, when in bloom, delights with an abundance of beautiful, semi-double, pink flowers with a yellow center. Aster bushy 'Rosenwichtel' forms compact, lush, hemispherical tufts that grow to a maximum height of about 25-30 cm.

plant flowers aster pink bushy garden

Flowers 17.09.2024


A show of Spanish dances and songs on the Plaza de España in Seville, Spain.
The Plaza de España is a plaza in the Parque de María Luisa (Maria Luisa Park)

people dancers musicians architecture city

People 29.04.2024

Wild Pistachio ❤️⚜❤️

Wild Pistachio grows in abundance in Balochistan valleys

Tree Pistachio Nature Wild flora Hazarganji Balochistan

Plant 04.06.2023

Wild Spring

Wild tree at Hazarganji National Park Quetta in

#Spring Nature Abundance Wildflowers

Flowers 08.03.2023

Bengal monitor ،گوہ

Large lizzard found in abundance in our hot weather areas of Pakistan

Animals #Goh #Monitor Closeup Reptile Cold blooded

Animals 15.11.2022

Milkweed (Calotropis)

Calotropis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, first described as a genus in 1810. It is native to southern Asia and North Africa.
It is found in abundance throughout Balochistan,specially hot areas of Kachhi plains

Flower Macro Beautiful Plants Nature

Plant 22.08.2022

Nature reserve Taubergießen

The nature reserve "Taubergießen" is one of the last paradises in Germany. Many endangered animals and plants have their home here.

The area enclosed by the Vosges and Black Forest emerged when the path of the Rhine no longer led to the Rhône, and thus into the Mediterranean, but made its way north at

Landscapes 18.03.2020

Kathgolap flower

Kathgolap are basically wild in nature; which come in plenty of varieties. The climatic conditions bring about some changes in these groups of flowers from place to place. The tree can be found in abundance and has remained an unsung favourite with the people of this place.

Nature flowers

Flowers 16.07.2019


Ruh-İ Şehr DANS

Ruh-İ Şehr diye adlandırdığım , şehrin içinde ki karmaşayı , içimizdeki git gelleri anlatmaya çalıştığım karelerden Hepicinize selamlar Kayseriden Miniciks Hayatlar "DANS" Minicix Life "DANCE " instagram_turkey #ig_turkey #ig_phototurkey #flowers #ig_today #instagood #instapicture #bahar #ig_good #ig_eurasia #ig_mood

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Long Exposure 02.12.2018

Kathgolap flower

Kathgolap are basically wild in nature; which come in plenty of varieties. The climatic conditions bring about some changes in these groups of flowers from place to place. The tree can be found in abundance and has remained an unsung favourite with the people of this place.

Nature flowers

Flowers 16.07.2019

Nature reserve Taubergießen

The nature reserve "Taubergießen" is one of the last paradises in Germany. Many endangered animals and plants have their home here.

The area enclosed by the Vosges and Black Forest emerged when the path of the Rhine no longer led to the Rhône, and thus into the Mediterranean, but made its way north at

Landscapes 18.03.2020

Harz Mountains

Blick vom Hexentanzplatz Thale zur Rosstrappe
View from 'Witches' Dance Floor" to "Rosstrappe", a 403-metre-high (1,322 ft) granite crag in the Harz mountains

Hexentanzplatz Thale Rosstrappe Harz Harz Mountains Witches Dance Floor Granite crag

Landscapes 20.11.2017

Duck Dance

Flügelschlagende Wildente

Wildente Flügel Duck

Birds 02.02.2015

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