


BUDDLEJA commonly known as butterfly bushes and are frequently cultivated as garden shrubs.The flowers are generally rich in nectar and often strongly honey-scented.

plant shrub flowers buddleja garden

Flowers 21.09.2024


Aster bushy 'Rosenwichtel'
A wonderful, low variety that, when in bloom, delights with an abundance of beautiful, semi-double, pink flowers with a yellow center. Aster bushy 'Rosenwichtel' forms compact, lush, hemispherical tufts that grow to a maximum height of about 25-30 cm.

plant flowers aster pink bushy garden

Flowers 17.09.2024


Buddleja species, especially Buddleja davidii and interspecific hybrids, are commonly known as butterfly bushes and are frequently cultivated as garden shrubs. Buddleja davidii has become an invasive species in both Europe and North America.

plant shrub flowers Buddleja insect butterfly

Nature 30.07.2024


Rubus is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, with over 1,350 species, commonly known as brambles.
Raspberries, blackberries, and dewberries are common, widely distributed members of the genus, and bristleberries are endemic to North America.

food fruits brambles ripe black healthy garden

Food 18.07.2024


Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico and Central America. As a member of the Asteraceae family of dicotyledonous plants, its relatives include the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum, and zinnia.

plant flower bud dahlia purple garden

Flowers 04.07.2024


Weigela Shrub is one of the most beautiful plants that often decorate our gardens. It is extremely easy to grow
Shrubs are lovely shrubs that start flowering when rhododendrons and azaleas finish. 'Variegata' has beautiful leaves, it is one of the most beautiful shrubs. The Miraculous Bush grows up to 2.5 m wide and high,

plants shrubs weigela flowers pink garden

Flowers 13.05.2024


By Hop On, Hop Off bus through the streets of Seville, Spain.
Hop-On, Hop-Off tours are a convenient and hassle-free way to see all the top attractions in a city. The buses follow a specific route with stops close to major city attractions.

travel sightseeing city Seville bus street people

Travel 12.05.2024

Coleus scutellarioides

Coleus scutellarioides, commonly known as coleus, is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae (the mint or deadnettle family), native to southeast Asia through to Australia. Typically growing to 60–75 cm (24–30 in) tall and wide, it is a bushy, woody-based evergreen perennial, widely grown for the highly decorative variegated

Zoom in/out 16.04.2024


Syringa vulgaris or common lilac, is a species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae, native to the Balkan Peninsula, where it grows on rocky hills. Grown in spring for its scented flowers, this large shrub or small tree is widely cultivated and has been naturalized in parts of Europe, Asia and North America.

plant bush flowers lilac blooming spring

Flowers 15.04.2024


Transit Peace Officer at your duty!

Transit peace officer with the City of Edmonton. They help keep the public safe while riding public transportation such as buses and train's.

Betty J Budd

People 13.07.2014

Istanbul by Night

View from Sapphire...

Istanbul Sapphire, or Sapphire, is a skyscraper, and as of 2011, the tallest building in Istanbul and Turkey, located in the central business district of Levent. Istanbul Sapphire was the tallest building in Europe without Russian territory, when the construction was completed. It is the 7th tallest

3N1C4253 27.12.2013 Sapphire istanbul Sapphire photos Sapphire images Sapphire fotoğrafları Sapphire resimleri istanbul manzara

City & Architecture 30.12.2013

والله خیر الرازقین

Bush growing from solid stone !
-Bolan moutains

Life Force Growth Nature Allah o Akber

Nature 09.09.2017

Keremali'de gündoğumu

Kadraj olarak çok beğenmesem de gündoğumunda şahit olduğum renk cümbüşünü Kadir ALTINTAŞ arkadaşımızın teşfiki üzerine tek kareden HDR çalışması olarak sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.

oft keremali hendek akyazı sakarya adapazarı

HDR 24.01.2015

Junonia genoveva

mariposa posada sobre una flor silvestre, en un día frio, buscando el calor del sol

Butterfly 06.05.2015

Güzeldere Şelalesi

Güzeldere Şelalesi, Düzce’nin Gölyaka ilçesinin sınırları içerisinde Düzce’ye 28, Gölyaka’ya ise 16 km mesafedeki Gölyaka-Güzeldere Köyü’ndedir ve rakımı 630 metredir. Güzeldere Köyü’nden geçen Bıçkı Deresi üzerinde bulunan Güzeldere Şelalesi 130 m. yükseklikten dökülen suyun doğal coşkusunun

Güzeldere Şelalesi Düzce

Landscapes 15.03.2015

Bushmen Baby

Lake Eyasi-Bushmen (Hadzabe) Kabilesi
Sadece doğal hayatın içinde ilk insanların yaşam tarzlarını ve varlıklarını sürdüren ve en ilkel dil olan cilick dilini konuşan insan grupları. Tanzanya’da bir kabile. Hiçbir teknolojik gelişimden yararlanmadan yaşamlarını sürdüren bir kabile.
Hava koşulları

bushmen hadzabe bebek çalı takı

People 01.07.2014

Böğürtlen Zamanı..

Diğer İsimleri : Mormorik, Diken çileği, Karamama, Kedi dutu, Diken dutu, Yabani üzüm, Blackberry, Fruit, Leaves, Rubus fruticosus


Plant 28.06.2018

Busy Bee

Picture taken in Canmore, Alberta, Canada


Insect 01.09.2020

An der Alb in Karlsruhe / Deutschland

Die Alb ist ein etwa 51 Kilometer langer Fluss im Nordschwarzwald und der mittleren Oberrheinischen Tiefebene in Baden-Württemberg, der am Nordrand der Gemarkung der Stadt Karlsruhe von rechts und Süden in den Rhein mündet.Die Alb entspringt südöstlich des Berges Teufelsmühle auf etwa 743 m ü. NN. Von hier an fließt sie in nördlicher

River - stream 20.04.2019


"Ürgüp in Nevsehir, is a town of Cappadocia's moving, is the busiest tourist areas. Ürgüp, which has a geological structure as a result of volcanic eruptions, rain, wind most interesting natural formations called fairy chimneys by erosion effects and typically a city..Ürgüp where is the area where you can see the best of the

Ürgüp Kapadokya Nevşehir Türkiye.

City & Architecture 27.07.2016

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