


Stormy weather in Łódź, Poland

sky clouds stormy weather trees

Sky & Clouds 10.07.2024

Today's weather, Karlsruhe / Germany

Rain, rain, rain, strong wind, cold

Seasons 17.05.2024


Saturday in Poland was the warmest day in March in the entire history of measurements. The temperature in some regions exceeded 26 degrees in the shade.
Extremely warm air is flowing over Poland along with Saharan dust.

According to the weather forecast

season spring park blue sky grass trees cars

Seasons 31.03.2024


Snowdrops are early spring flowers. Depending on weather conditions and the region in which they occur, they may bloom from February to April.

plant flower white in bloom spring flower

Flowers 12.03.2024


Bad weather and road conditions during driving home.

transport car travel weather conditions winter road

Travel 08.12.2023

Karlsruhe / Germany

Desired weather! Unfortunately it has been raining for approx. 2 weeks again and again in Karlsruhe - dreary November

Sky & Clouds 21.11.2023

Desert beauty ⚜ ⚜

Capparis decidua, very common in our hot weather areas. Flowers in hot months of summer, bears red sweet berries. The bush has no Leaves.

Flower Capparis Nature Beautiful

Macro 03.11.2023

Myena, مینا

This bird is very common in our hot weather areas of Balochistan

Myena Bird Singer Noisy Beautiful

Birds 13.10.2023

Weather change is imminent (Karlsruhe / Germany)

The heat gradually says goodbye. Storms are coming.

Seasons 12.09.2023

Rangoon creeper ⚜⚜

Rangoon creeper flowers profusely, has faint sweet aroma.
It too grows in our hot and humid weather areas.

Creeper Flower Plant Leaves Petals Fragrance Nature

Flowers 24.07.2023

Cute birdie ❤️⚜❤️

This tiny bird is very common at our hot weather areas and likes to feed along the sides of irrigation canals

Birds Single Tiny Beautiful Wings Free Animal

Birds 22.07.2023

Today's weather

Karlsruhe / Germany, mostly cloudy, approx. 20 °C

Sky & Clouds 03.07.2023


TRNC Republic Day15th November...

about the very bad weather the "Türk Yıldızlar" couldn't do the flight show ..
(no fotoshop - the colors were actually so)

City & Architecture 16.11.2014

Cute, tiny Princess... NEELOFER, نیلوفر

Wild, Chiltan Valley Tiny Lilly, "NEELOFER, نیلوفر"
❤️ ????????????❤️????????????❤️

It is a very beautiful, delicate, Wild growing Lilly type flower.
It grows in same valley of Chiltan where Gwarikh grows but with a difference that it likes sandy soil, not Gravely soil.

Flowers Lillys Blue Petals Nature Beautiful

Flowers 01.01.2022

gray weather ... shiny roses color

gray weather ... the colors of the flowers is shining more

Flowers 27.11.2015

Türk Yıldızlar ♥

TRNC Republic Day15th November...
.. about weather problems at 16th november the flight show
İ hate war, but this show is for me a kind of arts .

Aviation 17.11.2014

Bengal monitor ،گوہ

Large lizzard found in abundance in our hot weather areas of Pakistan

Animals #Goh #Monitor Closeup Reptile Cold blooded

Animals 15.11.2022

Weather today

Lake Nysa. Poland

Landscapes 06.12.2015

POND TURTLE of our village

'Indian_pond_turttl' common in our hot weather area ponds

Turtles Pond Wall Reptile Cold blooded

Animals 18.11.2022

Myena, مینا

This bird is very common in our hot weather areas of Balochistan

Myena Bird Singer Noisy Beautiful

Birds 13.10.2023

Türkçe English Deutsch
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