

Balochi naan, بیڑزن

Very tasty bread baked on leaves fire in a dent made in mud wall. Dough is fermented first which puts flavour too

Bayr-zin Naan Food Tasty

Object 18.06.2024


The Plaza de España ("Spain Square") is a plaza in the Parque de María Luisa (Maria Luisa Park), in Seville, Spain. It was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.
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Pyracantha coccinea, the scarlet firethorn

Pyracantha coccinea, the scarlet firethorn is the European species of firethorn or red firethorn that has been cultivated in gardens since the late 16th century. The tree has small white flowers. It produces small, bright red berries. Its leaves are slightly toothed and grow opposite to one another. The fruit is bitter and astringent,

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Coreus marginatus is a herbivorous species of true bug in the family Coreidae. It is commonly known as the dock bug as it feeds on the leaves and seeds of docks and sorrels.

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Swallow in her nest, sitting on eggs in a rural building

Birds #Swallow Mother Wings Free Animal Nest

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POND TURTLE of our village

'Indian_pond_turttl' common in our hot weather area ponds


Turtles Pond Wall Reptile Cold blooded

Animals 18.11.2022

BAYR-ZIN bread بیرزن نان

This baking method is practiced in Birahi people of Sarawan area Balochistan since prehistoric times.
A space is carved out in mudwall of homes, a stone baking plate is fixed in it in such a way that it is open to fire from back and front.
Only Dry leaves are used for fire.
Yeast added flour is used for bread which

#بیرزن نان، Bread Baking Fire Traditional Food Nomadic Balochistan

Food 23.06.2022

Falcon on the lurk

He discovered the swallow's nest and stole the five young birds in 2 days .... My house entrance ...

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Selim Sırrı Paşa Konağı

Kapanca Sokağı Tarih Koridoru - İzmit / Kocaeli

" 19. yüzyıla ait bir sivil mimarlık örneği olan Sırrı Paşa Konağı, İzmit Mutasarrıfı Selim Sırrı Paşa tarafından İzmit Hacı Hasan Mahallesi Yeni Çeşme Sokak'ta yaptırıldı. Planını bizzat Mutasarrıf Selim Sırrı Paşa’nın çizdiği, Körfez’e

Konak Tarih Kapanca Tarih Koridoru Paşa İzmit Kocaeli

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Mehmed Ağa'ya yaptırılmıştır.

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  • Ali Yakut


  • Ayser ÖZBAKIR


  • Ayser ÖZBAKIR


  • Salamandra


  • Salamandra


  • Salamandra

    Very cute :)❤️❤️:)

  • Salamandra


  • Salamandra

    So nice!:)❤️:)

  • Salamandra


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