


Hylotelephium spectabile is a species of flowering plant in the stonecrop family Crassulaceae, native to China and Korea. Its common names include showy stonecrop, iceplant, and butterfly stonecrop.
Easily grown in pots, it is widely used in decorative beds, rock gardens in particular, or in pots, especially in China where this

plant flowering in bloom garden decorative

Plant 13.09.2024


Reflections in the pond,
Łódź, Poland

reflection pond water trees stones

Reflection 22.07.2024


The Rock of Gibraltar is a Jurassic limestone mountain, rising to 426 m above sea level. from the Mediterranean Sea off the southern coast of Spain, entirely belonging to the exclave of Gibraltar - an overseas territory of Great Britain.

landscape view Gibraltar sea ship buildings

Landscapes 30.04.2024


This flower basket is made of small, colorful stones.

basket stones flowers colorful decoration fine art

Fine Art 27.02.2024


This is an ornate gothic-style obelisk of local limestone in the style of an Eleanor Cross in
Ilam village, in the Staffordshire Peak District of England, lying on the River Manifold.
The Grade II listed Mary Watts-Russell Memorial Cross is an iconic landmark in Ilam village.

cross village road houses monument architecture travel

Travel 25.02.2024


The western jackdaw also known as the jackdaw, is a passerine bird in the crow family. Found across Europe, western Asia and North Africa.
Like its relatives, jackdaws are intelligent birds, and have been observed using tools.

animal bird black jackdaw stone

Birds 17.06.2023


Żeromski Park in my district , Łódź, Poland

park trees pond stoned nature neighbourhood

Landscapes 17.02.2023



Şanlıurfa'nın bir ilçesi. G.Antep ile Urfa arasında kalıyor. Eski Halfeti fırat nehri üzerindeki baraj nedeniyle sular altında kalan kısımdır (köy sular altında sadece caminin minaresi görülebiliyor.) buradaki insanlar yeni Halfeti'ye yerleştirilmiştir.
iki dağ arasında kalmış baraj suyu mükemmel bir güzellik,

Travel 29.01.2015

والله خیر الرازقین

Bush growing from solid stone !
-Bolan moutains

Life Force Growth Nature Allah o Akber

Nature 09.09.2017

Kleiner Perlmuttfalter und Zitronenfalter

left: Kleiner Perlmuttfalter - Issoria lathonia - Queen of Spain fritillary
right: Zitronenfalter - Gonepteryx rhamni - Common Brimstone - Orakkanat

Kleiner Perlmuttfalter Issoria lathonia Queen of Spain fritillary Zitronenfalter Gonepteryx rhamni Common Brimstone Orakkanat Schmetterling Butterfly

Butterfly 05.07.2018

Externsteine im Teutoburger Wald

Die Externsteine sind eine markante Sandstein-Felsformation im Teutoburger Wald und eine herausragende Natursehenswürdigkeit. Bereits 1926 wurden die Externsteine als eines der ältesten und bedeutendsten Naturschutzgebiete im Kreis Lippe unter Schutz gestellt. Auf dem Foto ist ein Teil der Externsteine zu sehen. Insgesamt gibt es

Externsteine Teutoburger Wald Wiembecke-Teich Herbst autumn Reflektion Reflection

Landscapes 11.11.2014

a rolling stone gathers no moss...

Yuvarlanan Taş Yosun Tutmaz (Atasözü)...

Sea - Lake 16.09.2014

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral is a CNI(Church of North India )Cathedral of Anglican background in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, noted for its Gothic architecture. It is the seat of the Diocese of Calcutta. The cornerstone was laid in 1839; the building was completed in 1847. It is said to be the largest cathedral in Kolkata and the first Episcopal

Black and white Historic Place

Black and White 05.05.2018

Paharpur Buddhist Monastery

The Excavated Remains at Paharpur are highly important in Bangladesh. These represent the largest known Buddhist Monastery South of the Himalayas. The Gradual Deposotion of wind blow dust over these ruins for ages took the shape of a high mound or a hill. Hence the name of the place has probably become Paharpur. Excavations conducted

Street Outdoor Historic

City & Architecture 16.10.2016

Cross of Peniche remedies

It´s located near the Nossa Senhora dos Remédios (Portuguese for Our Lady of Remedies) Shrine overlooking the ocean.
The cross is built in a lookout from where we can see the Berlengas Islands.
The actual cross is made of concrete, but,the pedestal is made of stone wich makes me believe that there was an older cross

Uncategorized 09.01.2015

Horses in the stones

Caballos pastoreando entre los pastos de la sierra

Animals 30.04.2016

Externsteine im Teutoburger Wald

Die Externsteine sind eine markante Sandstein-Felsformation im Teutoburger Wald und eine herausragende Natursehenswürdigkeit. Bereits 1926 wurden die Externsteine als eines der ältesten und bedeutendsten Naturschutzgebiete im Kreis Lippe unter Schutz gestellt. Auf dem Foto ist ein Teil der Externsteine zu sehen. Insgesamt gibt es

Externsteine Teutoburger Wald Wiembecke-Teich Herbst autumn Reflektion Reflection

Landscapes 15.11.2014

Bolan pass 1st tunnel gate

Bolan Pass

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

The Bolān Pass is a mountain pass through the Toba Kakar range of Balochistan province in western Pakistan, 120 km (75 mi) from the Afghanistan border. The pass is an 89 km (55 mi) stretch of the Bolan river valley from Rindli in the south to Darwāza near

Mountain Bolan pass Travel Landscape Railway Nature Technology

Travel 05.12.2021

Mid Bolan

a unique milestone, a neautiful mountain at the exect middle of Bolan-Pass, Balochistan

bibi naani bolan pass natural formations

Travel 03.01.2015

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