


Bergenia (elephant's ears) is a genus of ten species of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae, native to central Asia, from Afghanistan to China and the Himalayan region.
They are clump-forming, rhizomatous, evergreen perennials with a spirally arranged rosette of leaves and pink flowers produced in a cyme.

plant flowers bergenia pink leaves garden

Flowers 08.04.2024


Pinus sylvestris or Baltic pine is a species of tree in the pine family Pinaceae that is native to Eurasia. It can readily be identified by its combination of fairly short, blue-green leaves and orange-red bark.
Its shoots are light brown, with a spirally arranged scale-like pattern.

plant tree pine branches brown nature

Nature 26.10.2023

Pennisetum alopecuroides

Pennisetum alopecuroides (Pen-ih-SEE-tum al-oh-pek-yur-OY-deez),[1] the Chinese pennisetum, Chinese fountaingrass, dwarf fountain grass, foxtail fountain grass, or swamp foxtail grass, is a species of perennial grass native to Asia and Australia. The culms are erect, and 60–100 cm long. The leaf-blades are erect or drooping; flat,

Zoom in/out 02.06.2023


Pennisetum alopecuroides

Pennisetum alopecuroides (Pen-ih-SEE-tum al-oh-pek-yur-OY-deez),[1] the Chinese pennisetum, Chinese fountaingrass, dwarf fountain grass, foxtail fountain grass, or swamp foxtail grass, is a species of perennial grass native to Asia and Australia. The culms are erect, and 60–100 cm long. The leaf-blades are erect or drooping; flat,

Zoom in/out 02.06.2023


Bergenia (elephant's ears) is a genus of ten species of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae, native to central Asia, from Afghanistan to China and the Himalayan region.
They are clump-forming, rhizomatous, evergreen perennials with a spirally arranged rosette of leaves and pink flowers produced in a cyme.

plant flowers bergenia pink leaves garden

Flowers 08.04.2024


Pinus sylvestris or Baltic pine is a species of tree in the pine family Pinaceae that is native to Eurasia. It can readily be identified by its combination of fairly short, blue-green leaves and orange-red bark.
Its shoots are light brown, with a spirally arranged scale-like pattern.

plant tree pine branches brown nature

Nature 26.10.2023

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