


Rudbeckia Sunbeckia is characterized by very strong growth, good branching and at the same time compact shape. It has green leaves and flowers, which are very large and single yellow. It blooms from June to October. The flowers are very good for cutting, they stay fresh in a vase for a long time. Rudbeckia attracts many species of butterflies

plant shrub flowers yellow blooming garden

Flowers 19.09.2024


The American Staffordshire Terrier, commonly called the Amstaff, is a breed of dog belonging to the terrier group. It is characterized by a strong body structure, intelligence, and loyalty to its owner. The clamping force of the Amstaff's jaws is about 150 kg. Crocodiles have a much greater lockjaw, whose jaws clamp with a force of

animal dog amstaff Barry hidden

Animals 27.07.2024


Helix pomatia, known as the Roman snail, Burgundy snail, or escargot, is a species of large, air-breathing land snail native to Europe. It is characterized by a globular brown shell. It is an edible species which commonly occurs throughout its range.


animal snail helix Pomatia sitting glass

Animals 21.07.2024


Yacht port and marina (Puerto Deportivo de Benalmádena "Puerto Marina") - put into operation in 1979 and in its current form in 1982, it is characterized by rare architecture in the Andalusian-Moorish style, which distinguishes it from other facilities of this type and gave it recognition all over the world.

port marina architecture buildings details

City & Architecture 03.05.2024


Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 to 340 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. The natural range of Magnolia species is disjunct, with a main center in east and southeast Asia and a secondary center in eastern North America, Central America, the West Indies, and some species in South

plant shrub flower magnolia in bloom spring

Flowers 03.04.2024


Dianthus caryophyllus, commonly known as carnation or clove pink, is a species of Dianthus native to the Mediterranean region. Its exact natural range is uncertain due to extensive cultivation over the last 2,000 years. Carnations are prized for their vibrant colors, delicate fringed petals, and enchanting fragrance.

plants flowers pink garden arrangement

Flowers 19.02.2024


Dianthus caryophyllus, commonly known as the carnation or clove pink, is a species of Dianthus native to the Mediterranean region. Its Carnations are prized for their vibrant colors, delicate fringed petals, and enchanting fragrance.


plants flowers carnations pink arrangement bouquet

Flowers 13.09.2023


Magnolia is an ancient genus. Appearing before bees evolved, the flowers are theorized to have evolved to encourage pollination by beetles.
It is a large genus of about 210 to 340 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. It is named after the French botanist Pierre Magnol.

tree flowers magnolia white blooming

Flowers 13.06.2023


Tulips are a genus of spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes. The flowers are usually large, showy and brightly coloured, generally red, pink, yellow, or white.
Growing wild over much of the Near East and Central Asia, tulips were cultivated in Byzantine Constantinople as early as 1055. By the 15th century,

plants flowers tulips colorful garden

Flowers 11.06.2023

Kiraz Çiçeği

Kiraz çiçek acayı aykırı dal üstüne... Rize türküsü.

Flowers 12.04.2023


Mandalina Çiçeği

"Hayat iki şekilde yaşanır..
Ya hiç mucize yokmuş gibi ya da her şey birer mucizeymiş gibi."
Albert Einstein

madalina beyaz çiçekler rize fotoğrafları şennur topçu 28 mayıs2015

Flowers 28.05.2015

Hemsin Tepan (Bilen)Köyü Tarihi Cami İç Mekan

Hemşin ilçesi Bilen Köyü merkezinde bulunan bu camiinin ilk yapısı 18. yy'a kadar inmekte olup bugünkü görünümünü 1894 yılında yapılan onarımla almıştır..

Hemşin Bilen Köyü Rize rize fotoğrafları tarihi Camiler rizedeki tarihi camiler

City & Architecture 06.08.2015

Mor çiçekli ormangülü ( Komar Çiçeği)

Mor çiçekli ormangülü (Rhododendron ponticum), fundagiller (Ericaceae) familyasından kuzey yarımkürenin nemli dağlık bölgelerinde görülen bir ormangülü türü. Anavatanı Güney Avrupa ve Güneybatı Asya'dır.

5 m boyunda nadiren 8 m'ye çıkan sık dallı çalımsı bir bitkidir. Geniş mızrak biçimindeki

komar çiçeği rize fotoğrafları şennur topçu Mor çiçekli ormangülü 14 nisan 2015

Plant 14.04.2015


Karayemiş diğer adıyla Taflan..
alzheimer, diyabet, doku ve cilt hastalıkları, kanser, kalp-damar hastalıkları ve romatizmal hastalıklar geliyor. Karayemişin antioksidan özelliğiyle aynı zamanda yaşın ilerlemesiyle vücutta meydana gelen oksidaf zarar azalıyor, yaşlanma da gecikiyor. Karayemiş iyi bir mineral

karayemiş taflan yakup ergenç canon 61 trabzon karadeniz

Uncategorized 22.07.2015

Çağlayan Köyü , Fındıklı Rize ,Taş Evler

Dünyanın bütün sabahları için iki bilet al.. Ama umutsuz bir yerden olmasın..

Fındıklı Rize Taş Evler Rize Evleri

City & Architecture 22.12.2014

Kış Menekşesi

Sabır; ALLAH’ın yardımına,
maddi- manevi yükselmeye,
kişinin şeref ve efendilik kazanmasına sebep ve vesile olur.
Ben sabrettim.
Sabrın sonunun da daima güzel olduğunu gördüm..
Abdülkadir Geylani (k.s)

mor çiçekler kış çiçekleri rize

Flowers 31.12.2014

Rize'den Kış Manzaraları

Kekik kokulu bir sevda ile
Uyanmaktır yeni güne
Bir kuru ekmekle mutlu olmaktır yaşamak
Bir bardak çayda
İçten katışıksız bir gülüştedir
Bir çiçek yaprağında dostu özlemek
Sevdiğinin sol göğsünde ölmektir

kış kar rize fotoğrafları şennur topçu

Landscapes 15.01.2015

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