Train built by miners to get to the gold in Skagway Alaska.
Travel 11.10.2024Lilium candidum, the Madonna lily or white lily is a plant in the true lily family. It is native to the Balkans and Middle East, and naturalized in other parts of Europe, including France, Italy, and Ukraine, and in North Africa, the Canary Islands, Mexico, and other regions.
It forms bulbs at ground level, and, unlike other
plant flower lily white garden
Flowers 07.08.2024Canna or canna lily is the only genus of flowering plants in the family Cannaceae, consisting of 10 species. All of the genus's species are native to the American tropics and naturalized in Europe, India and Africa in the 1860s. Although they grow native to the tropics, most cultivars have been developed in temperate climates and are
plant flower canna in bloom garden
Flowers 03.08.2024The garden pansy is a type of polychromatic large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. Pansies, for best growth, are watered thoroughly about once a week, depending on climate and rainfall. The plant should never be over-watered. To maximize blooming, plant foods are used about every other week, depending on the type
plants flowers pansies colorful garden
Flowers 11.07.2024Astrophytum myriostigma, the bishop's cap cactus, bishop's hat or bishop's miter cactus, is a species of cactus native to the highlands of northeastern and central Mexico.
Synonyms include Echinocactus myriostigma, Astrophytum prismaticum, A. columnare, A. tulense, and A. nuda.
Train passing through tunnels of Bolan Pass
Travel Balochistan Bolan Pass Railway Vehicles
Travel 30.06.2024Transit peace officer with the City of Edmonton. They help keep the public safe while riding public transportation such as buses and train's.
People 13.07.2014Foggy Morning Spiderweb
Spiderweb Raindrops Fog Foggy Morning Sun Spinnennetz Morgentau Nebel
Nature 08.11.2013Landscape near by Bockenem, Lower Saxony, Germany. In the background are mountains of the National Parc Harz
Landschaft in der Nähe von Bockenem. Im Hintergrund sind Berge des Nationalparks Harz zu sehen.
Harz Nationalpark National Park Bockenem Nette Landschaft Frühling Rapsfeld Sonne Regen Sun Rain
Landscapes 11.05.2014Sirkeci Gar’ı, II. Abdülhamid devrinde İstanbul'un Avrupa Yakası'nda 1890 yılında yapılmıştır. Prusyalı Mimar Jasmund tarafından yapılan bina, Orta Avrupa’daki tüm tren istasyonlarının tasarımına esin kaynağı olmuştur.
"Sirkeci Gar, İt was built in 1890 on the European side of Istanbul during
Sirkeci Tren Gar Mimari Motif İstanbul
City & Architecture 06.04.2019Güzeldere Şelalesi, Düzce’nin Gölyaka ilçesinin sınırları içerisinde Düzce’ye 28, Gölyaka’ya ise 16 km mesafedeki Gölyaka-Güzeldere Köyü’ndedir ve rakımı 630 metredir. Güzeldere Köyü’nden geçen Bıçkı Deresi üzerinde bulunan Güzeldere Şelalesi 130 m. yükseklikten dökülen suyun doğal coşkusunun
Landscapes 15.03.2015Pink Rain Lily (Zephyranthes minuta)
Flowers Nature Pink Rain Lily Colors
Flowers 21.09.2017raindrops on leafs after rain
raindrops dew leaf wallpaper leaf wallpaper water wallpaper raindrop wallpaper raindrops on leaf
Water Effect 11.11.2013Thistle
Thistle is the common name of a group of flowering plants characterised by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins, mostly in the family Asteraceae. Prickles occur all over the plant – on the stem and flat parts of leaves. They are an adaptation that protects the plant from being eaten by herbivores.
Bahnhof Drei Annen Hohne im Harz
Bahnhof Drei Annen Hohne Harz Train Station blue hour blaue Stunde
Transportation / Car 15.01.2017