


Viscum is a genus of about 70–100 species of mistletoes, native to temperate and tropical regions of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia.
These are semi-parasitic plants that grow on coniferous and deciduous trees and use suction cups to extract water and mineral salts from them.
Viscum species are poisonous to humans;

plant mistletoe parasite tree many

Nature 02.02.2024


Hibiscus helps firm the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and soothe skin irritations. When added to cosmetics, it softens the skin, soothes irritations and stimulates cell regeneration. Hibiscus extract is especially recommended for problems with vascular skin, because it strengthens fragile blood vessels.

plant bush flowers hibiscus red

Flowers 28.01.2024

In search of drinking water :(

Lack of suitable drinking water is always a hard job in Balochistan

Water Balochistan Problems

Landscapes 24.02.2017

Türk Yıldızlar ♥

TRNC Republic Day15th November...
.. about weather problems at 16th november the flight show
İ hate war, but this show is for me a kind of arts .

Aviation 17.11.2014


In search of drinking water :(

Lack of suitable drinking water is always a hard job in Balochistan

Water Balochistan Problems

Landscapes 24.02.2017

Türk Yıldızlar ♥

TRNC Republic Day15th November...
.. about weather problems at 16th november the flight show
İ hate war, but this show is for me a kind of arts .

Aviation 17.11.2014


Viscum is a genus of about 70–100 species of mistletoes, native to temperate and tropical regions of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia.
These are semi-parasitic plants that grow on coniferous and deciduous trees and use suction cups to extract water and mineral salts from them.
Viscum species are poisonous to humans;

plant mistletoe parasite tree many

Nature 02.02.2024


Hibiscus helps firm the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and soothe skin irritations. When added to cosmetics, it softens the skin, soothes irritations and stimulates cell regeneration. Hibiscus extract is especially recommended for problems with vascular skin, because it strengthens fragile blood vessels.

plant bush flowers hibiscus red

Flowers 28.01.2024

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