


The meerkat (Suricata) or suricate is a small mongoose found in southern Africa. It is characterised by a broad head, large eyes, a pointed snout, long legs, a thin tapering tail, and a brindled coat pattern.
Meerkats have foreclaws adapted for digging and have the ability to thermoregulate to survive in their harsh, dry habitat.

suricate meerkat animals mongoose group

Animals 09.01.2024


Pinus sylvestris or Baltic pine is a species of tree in the pine family Pinaceae that is native to Eurasia. It can readily be identified by its combination of fairly short, blue-green leaves and orange-red bark.
Its shoots are light brown, with a spirally arranged scale-like pattern.

plant tree pine branches brown nature

Nature 26.10.2023

Last Fall ⚜

A fall view of fallen Petals and leaves

Season Petals Patterns Nature Colourful

Uncategorized 24.07.2023


Greater Coucal

Greater Coucal Bird | Chemboth | Uppan | Crow Pheasant

Scietific Name: Centropus sinensis

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/640 sec. ISO: 640. Metering Mode: Pattern.

Greater Coucal Bird Chemboth Uppan Crow Pheasant Centropus sinensis Greater Coucal birds in kerala kerala birds nature birds

Birds 26.05.2017

common kingfisher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

common kingfisher kingfisher birds nature birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony bimalji nikon d800e fish eating birds

Birds 19.05.2017

Indian Pond Heron

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/2500 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

Birds 03.05.2017


The stem of a flower with thorns. The pattern of these thorns are worth observing.

nature macro stem thorn stem with thorn thorn flower orchid flower flower stem with thorns

Nature 03.06.2017


Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec. ISO: 1250. Metering Mode: Pattern.

കണ്ടത്തിമുണ്ടി birds in kerala water birds Indian Pond Heron kerala birds bimal antony kerala western ghats

Birds 02.04.2017

brown chested flycatcher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 350 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

flycatcher fly catcher brown chested fly catcher birds birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony western ghats nature nikon d800e

Birds 15.03.2017

white throat kingfisher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 360 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/3200 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

white throat kingfisher kingfisher birds in kerala kerala birds bimal antony

Birds 12.04.2017

fly catcher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 250. Metering Mode: Pattern.

flycatcher birds nature small birds kerala birds

Birds 21.11.2016


Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 640. Metering Mode: Pattern.

myna Indian Myna Mynah Birds Kerala Birds Kerala bimalij common myna

Birds 30.05.2016

thank god what a lucky day!

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/160 sec. ISO: 2500. Metering Mode: Pattern.

nature squirrel pappaya food animal food bimal antony nikon d800e

Animals 07.02.2017

fly catcher

Camera Model: NIKON D800E. Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm F 5.6E ED. Aperture: F/5.6. Focal Length: 500 mm. Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. ISO: 800. Metering Mode: Pattern.

birds fly catcher kerala birds western ghats bimal antony nature nikon d800e

Birds 07.03.2017

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