


Gallant robber Rumcajs , his wife Manka, and their son, little robber Cipísek are fictional characters popularized by two children's animated television series broadcast as part of the Večerníček TV program in Czechoslovakia.

sculpture man robber Rumcajs fine art

Fine Art 26.02.2025


Hoverflies, also called flower flies make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers; the adults of many species feed mainly on nectar and pollen, while the larvae (maggots) eat a wide range of foods. In some species, the larvae are saprotrophs, eating decaying

insect flower fly little flower garden

Insect 07.07.2024


The house sparrow is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae, found in most parts of the world. The house sparrow is strongly associated with human habitation, and can live in urban or rural settings. Though found in widely varied habitats and climates, it typically avoids extensive woodlands, grasslands, polar regions, and hot, dry

animal bird sparrow little watching

Birds 27.06.2024


Weigela Shrub is one of the most beautiful plants that often decorate our gardens. It is extremely easy to grow
Shrubs are lovely shrubs that start flowering when rhododendrons and azaleas finish. 'Variegata' has beautiful leaves, it is one of the most beautiful shrubs. The Miraculous Bush grows up to 2.5 m wide and high,

plants shrubs weigela flowers pink garden

Flowers 13.05.2024


The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower,[2] topinambur,[2] or earth apple, is a species of sunflower native to central North America.[3][4] It is cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.[5]


Zoom in/out 17.11.2023


Erigeron annuus, the annual fleabane, daisy fleabane is a species of herbaceous, annual or biennial flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.
It is herbaceous with alternate, simple leaves, and green, sparsely hairy stems, which can grow to between 30 and 150 centimeters in height.

plant meadows white little flowers fleabane

Plant 27.07.2023



Şanlıurfa'nın bir ilçesi. G.Antep ile Urfa arasında kalıyor. Eski Halfeti fırat nehri üzerindeki baraj nedeniyle sular altında kalan kısımdır (köy sular altında sadece caminin minaresi görülebiliyor.) buradaki insanlar yeni Halfeti'ye yerleştirilmiştir.
iki dağ arasında kalmış baraj suyu mükemmel bir güzellik,

Travel 29.01.2015

Houses in the fishermen's quarter (Holm)

The Holm (Danish: Holmen) is a fishing district in Schleswig, located on the loop between the old town and the freedom of Schleswig.

The name of the settlement is based on the northern German or Danish word Holm. It means little island. The settlement originated around the year 1000 on a small island off Schleswig, which

City & Architecture 14.01.2020

Soap Bubble

A little soap bubble flying in the garden

Soap Bubble Seifenblase Spiegelung reflection

Object 09.11.2013

Frozen Moss

Frozen drops and a little bit snow on moss

frozen moss snowflakes drops Moos Schneeflocken Tropfen

Seasons 08.02.2015


İstanbuldere, Sakarya'ya 23 km, Sapanca'ya ise 6 km uzaklıktadır.Alabalık tesislerinin bulunduğu şirin bir beldedir.
"Istanbuldere, 23 km to Sakarya, Sapanca to 6 km away.Trout is a charming little town where there are facilities."

İstanbuldere Sapanca Sakarya Şelale Uzun pozlama

Long Exposure 15.07.2015

Cyprus culture

Edges were put into a little upturned tray of olives, halloumi old ones. A little older and haloumi fritters made of cloth laid on the flat, were spread on the tray mince pies again. essential flavors of Cypriot cuisine cage used to take the side of the oven tray with this ... North Cyprus is one of the symbols of sestu (SELE), the

sele paner insan kıbrıs cyprus yeşil sarı menekşe

People 28.03.2016

Iron Love

Love locks on a little bridge in Hannover

Love locks Liebesschlösser

City & Architecture 10.01.2014

Wasserschloss Speicherstadt Hamburg

The Speicherstadt ('City of Warehouses', meaning warehouse district) in Hamburg is the largest warehouse district in the world where the buildings stand on timber-pile foundations, oak logs, in this particular case. As the first site in Hamburg, it has been awarded the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site on 5 July 2015. In the middle

Wasserschloss Speicherstadt Hamburg Fleetschlösschen castle Warehouse city sunset Sonnenuntergang

City & Architecture 14.09.2015

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