


Tulips have six distinct, basifixed introrse stamens arranged in two whorls of three, which vary in length and may be glabrous or hairy. The filaments are shorter than the tepals and dilated towards their base.The style is short or absent and each stigma has three distinct lobes, and the ovaries are superior, with three chambers

plant flower tulip inside macro

Macro 24.02.2024


The great majority of tulips, both species and cultivars, have no discernable scent, but a few of both are scented to a degree and among cultivars, some such as "Monte Carlo" and "Brown Sugar" are "scented", and "Creme Upstar" "fragrant"

plant flower tulip inside arrangement macro

Macro 15.02.2024


Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows -Roman Catholic parish church in Łódź, Poland
Built in 1973–1976. A modern church on a hexagonal plan, with a monumental tower, area 1,500 m2, two-level. Inside the tabernacle in the upper and lower churches, figures of Christ Crucified and Our Lady of Sorrows, made in bronze.

architecture church modern catholic altar inside

City & Architecture 29.01.2024


The stamen is the pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower. Collectively the stamens form the androecium.

plant flower lili yellow stamens inside ant

Macro 30.12.2023


Christmas tree as a Christmas homes' decoration.
Bauble, bubble - a Christmas tree decoration, usually made of thin glass. The baubles are often hand-painted and silver-plated on the inside. The beginnings of their production date back to 1847.The custom of decorating a Christmas tree comes from Germany,

Christmas tree decorations home holidays baubles

Home Decorating 20.12.2023

گواڑخ ،Wild Tulip of Balochistan

Beautiful Red, Yellow and Wild Tulips in Balochistan
Tulip Flower (Gwarikh / گواڑخ)
Tulips is a beautiful season flower, founded in cold areas, all over the world people love this beautiful flower specially the wild one.
Tulips in Balochistan
This lovely flower is also founded in Balochistan, Baloch

Gwarikh Nature Wild Tulip Balochistan Landscape

Flowers 24.11.2023


Tulips are a genus of spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes. The tulip is a member of the lily family, Liliaceae, along with 14 other genera, where it is most closely related to Amana, Erythronium and Gagea in the tribe Lilieae.

plant flower tulip inside white close up

Flowers 12.07.2023


Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers. They are the true lilies. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are native to the northern hemisphere and their range is temperate climates and extends

plant flower inside lily red macro

Macro 03.07.2023

Cestrum fasciculatum, Bot.Garden, Karlsruhe/German

Cestrum fasciculatum is a species of flowering plant in the family Solanaceae known by the common names early jessamine and red cestrum. It is native to central Mexico, but it is also kept elsewhere as an ornamental plant. This is a gangly evergreen shrub reaching a maximum height of over two meters. The stems, and especially new twigs,

Plant 10.06.2023


سبز مرچ = Green-bell pepper

Bell pellet =سبز مرچ

The bell pepper (also known as sweet pepper or pepper in the United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland, and capsicum /ˈkæpsɪkəm/ in Australia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore and New Zealand) is a cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum.
Cultivars of the plant

Pepper Calcium Vegetable food Healthcare

Food 04.10.2017

Frozen Soap Bubble Inside

Gefrorene Seifenblase in einer anderen Seifenblase :D

frozen soap bubble inside gefrorene Seifenblase Winter Bokeh

Object 08.01.2017

Inside the colors

Mariposa sobre fondo de luces difusas y coloridas

Butterfly 21.08.2015

am floating

sunflower floating on blue water inside a vase

sunflower macro blue water flower art wallpaper

Flowers 20.11.2013

Subway Station Hamburg HafenCity Universität

Container light show installation with different colors and music inside the HafenCity Universität subway station.
Von der Decke hängen 12 sechs Tonnen schwere Glascontainer, in denen sich je 260 farbige LEDs befinden. Je nach Stimmung, Wetter oder Laune der Betreiber ;) verändern sich die Farben und werden von den Wand- und

Hamburg HafenCity U-Bahn Universität Glascontainer Subway station Container lightshow

Transportation / Car 14.06.2015

Wild, Chiltan Valley flower

Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Wild flora Balochistan Chiltan Valley Flowers Blue Petals Beauty Nature Delicate

Flowers 30.12.2021

Inside the black

Mariposa monarca, en fondo negro, resaltando su belleza y colores

Butterfly 11.08.2015


Stone steps inside the pond at Hampi, a UNESCO world heritage site.

hampi pushkarani stone steps stone pond architecture vijayanagar empire bimalji bimal antony

City & Architecture 20.09.2017

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