Gulls, or colloquially seagulls, are seabirds of the family Laridae in the suborder Lari.
Gulls are typically medium to large in size, usually grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. Gulls have only a limited ability to dive below the water to feed on deeper prey. To obtain prey from deeper down, many
animal bird seagull white sea water
Birds 16.09.2024The garden pansy is a type of polychromatic large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. Pansies, for best growth, are watered thoroughly about once a week, depending on climate and rainfall. The plant should never be over-watered. To maximize blooming, plant foods are used about every other week, depending on the type
plants flowers pansies colorful garden
Flowers 11.07.2024Triangular oxalis, also called purple oxalis, is a potted plant with white, delicate flowers and decorative foliage. Due to its three-part leaves, it is also called the lucky clover.
It decorates the pergola in the garden.
plant flowers leaves purple decoration .pergola
Flowers 01.07.2024Ben yalan şeyler vadetmem hiç. Kusursuz, güllük gülistanlık bir dünya masalı koca bir yalandır...üstelik böyle bir dünya çok can sıkıcı bir yer olur!
Flowers 13.04.2016Bu akşam bahçemizde ay da başka güzel, gül de..
ay gül baykala safranbolu aybala
Nature 11.07.2014Aşk buya;
uğur böceği güle aşık olmuş.
Uçmuş uçmuş gülün dalına konmuş.
Aşkını ilan edecekmiş ki, bir rüzgar esmiş,
Uğur böceğini savurmuş! yere düşmüş.
Üzülmüş uğur böceği. Bir daha şansını denemiş.
Gülün yaprağına konmuş.
Güle onu
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Bu arada kabuklusuna Salyangoz, evsizine Sümüklüböcek
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Insect 25.06.2014