

Majestic Horses

Picture taken in Fort Edmonton Park, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Horses Edmonton Alberta Canada

Animals 11.11.2018

Black Beauty

Taken at Jackie Parker Park in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Black Beauty

Birds 03.06.2015

Transit Peace Officer at your duty!

Transit peace officer with the City of Edmonton. They help keep the public safe while riding public transportation such as buses and train's.

Betty J Budd

People 13.07.2014

Emergency Medical Workers

Emergency Medical Technicians with The City of Edmonton in a parade.

Betty J Budd

People 13.07.2014

Ainsworth Dyer Bridge, Edmonton

Bridge named in memory of Corporal Ainsworth Dyer (July 29, 1977 – April 17, 2002)

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 11.07.2014

To Serve & Protect

Edmonton City Police Officer

Betty J Budd

People 09.07.2014

Alberta Legislature Building at Night

The Alberta Legislature Building is located in Edmonton, Alberta, and is the meeting place of the Legislative Assembly and the Executive Council. It is known to Edmontonians as "the Ledge".

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 08.07.2014

City of Edmonton at Night

Night shot of Edmonton, AB, Canada just before the thunder storm.

Betty J Budd

Night 07.07.2014

Night Shot

Night shot in Edmonton, AB

Betty J Budd

Night 07.07.2014

City View

Taken from http://www.edmonton.ca/attractions_events/muttart-conservatory.aspx
in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 06.07.2014

A face in the crowd

Taken at a parade/festival in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Betty J Budd

People 12.06.2014

Beautiful Park in Spring

Gold Bar Park located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Betty J Budd

Seasons 11.06.2014


Transit Peace Officer at your duty!

Transit peace officer with the City of Edmonton. They help keep the public safe while riding public transportation such as buses and train's.

Betty J Budd

People 13.07.2014

Emergency Medical Workers

Emergency Medical Technicians with The City of Edmonton in a parade.

Betty J Budd

People 13.07.2014

Alberta Legislature Building at Night

The Alberta Legislature Building is located in Edmonton, Alberta, and is the meeting place of the Legislative Assembly and the Executive Council. It is known to Edmontonians as "the Ledge".

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 08.07.2014

Black Beauty

Taken at Jackie Parker Park in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Black Beauty

Birds 03.06.2015

Ainsworth Dyer Bridge, Edmonton

Bridge named in memory of Corporal Ainsworth Dyer (July 29, 1977 – April 17, 2002)

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 11.07.2014

City of Edmonton at Night

Night shot of Edmonton, AB, Canada just before the thunder storm.

Betty J Budd

Night 07.07.2014

A face in the crowd

Taken at a parade/festival in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Betty J Budd

People 12.06.2014

Beautiful Park in Spring

Gold Bar Park located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Betty J Budd

Seasons 11.06.2014

City View

Taken from http://www.edmonton.ca/attractions_events/muttart-conservatory.aspx
in Edmonton, AB, Canada

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 06.07.2014

To Serve & Protect

Edmonton City Police Officer

Betty J Budd

People 09.07.2014

Majestic Horses

Picture taken in Fort Edmonton Park, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Horses Edmonton Alberta Canada

Animals 11.11.2018

Night Shot

Night shot in Edmonton, AB

Betty J Budd

Night 07.07.2014

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