

Cute Twins⚜⚜

Our Cubs, years ago
They are grand parents themselves now

Dogs Friends Mamals Nature Attentive Adorable

Cats & Dogs 03.07.2023

Fluffy heap

Our cat's 3rd litter

Cat Nature Domestic Cubs Nature

Cats & Dogs 12.03.2023

'' I think therefore I AM... ''

4th generation cub of my late Chihuahua pet TONI

Animals #Dogs Innocent Cute Mamal

Cats & Dogs 22.01.2023


Domestic-Bobcat Cross Cat mom with her cubs at our village at Usta Mohammad Balochistan
Note the Ears

Cat Nature Domestic Cubs Nature

Cats & Dogs 17.12.2022

BAYR-ZIN bread بیرزن نان

This baking method is practiced in Birahi people of Sarawan area Balochistan since prehistoric times.
A space is carved out in mudwall of homes, a stone baking plate is fixed in it in such a way that it is open to fire from back and front.
Only Dry leaves are used for fire.
Yeast added flour is used for bread which

#بیرزن نان، Bread Baking Fire Traditional Food Nomadic Balochistan

Food 23.06.2022

Üçübiryerde Nar

Ağzınız sulanmasın bitti seneye inşallah...

Uncategorized 27.10.2020

Grizzly 143

Taken in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Bear No. 143 has two young-of-year cubs, including one brown coloured cub with a white head.

#bettyjbuddphotography #banffnationalpark

Animals 13.08.2020


Bol yeşillik...

Çubuk köyü, Göynük. (Çubuk gölü)


Landscapes 18.07.2014

Ras Muhammed'de bir deniz kaplumbağası

Sharm el Sheikh-Mısır (Kızıldeniz), Ras Muhammed Milli Parkı'nda, müthiş bir biyolojik çeşitliliğin ortasında, yüzlerce cins balık ve mercanlar arasında

turtle sea turtle deniz kaplumbağası dalış scuba diving mısır kızıldeniz redsea egypt

Underwater 25.04.2017

Üçübiryerde Nar

Ağzınız sulanmasın bitti seneye inşallah...

Uncategorized 27.10.2020

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