


Kraków ( Cracow in English ), is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in Lesser Poland Voivodeship, the city dates back to the seventh century. Kraków was the official capital of Poland until 1596 and has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, economic,

city street buildings carriage horses people tour

Uncategorized 24.11.2023


Cattle or oxen are large, domesticated, bovid ungulates. They are prominent modern members of the subfamily Bovinae and the most widespread species of the genus Bos. Mature female cattle are referred to as cows and mature male cattle are referred to as bulls. Young female cattle, young male cattle , and castrated male cattle are also

animals mammals cows colorful grass

Animals 14.09.2023


Tansy is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant in the genus Tanacetum in the aster family, native to temperate Europe and Asia. It has been introduced to other parts of the world, including North America, and in some areas has become invasive. It is also known as common tansy, bitter buttons, cow bitter, or golden buttons.

plant herb tansy yellow bitter

Plant 29.03.2023

Red-Sindhi Cow & Calf

Red Sindhi cattle are the most popular of all Zebu dairy breeds. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan.  They are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate (European) origin dairy breeds

Animals #Red_Sindhi Cow Calf Beautiful

Animals 10.08.2022


In the Wilhelma show farm, zoological garden in Stuttgart / Germany

Animals 26.01.2020

Tired Cowboy

Yorgun Kovboy :)

People 01.04.2018

Sokak Çalgıcıları

" Street Musicians "
Arbat Street - Moscow / Russıa

Müzik Latin Çalgı Sokak Cadde Arbat Moskova Rusya

People 21.04.2016


Muscari - Arap sümbülü

Arap sümbülü (Muscari), Hyacinthaceae (sümbülgiller) familyasından bataklık alanlar ve tarlalarda yaşayan soğanlı ve otsu bitki cinsi. Dağ sümbülü, misk sümbülü, üzüm sümbülü gibi adlarlada bilinmektedir. Anavatanının Akdeniz, Kuzey Afrika, Güney Afrika ve Güney Doğu ve Orta Asya ülkeleri (Türkiye, Yunanistan'da

mor çiçek çiçek resimleri çiçek fotoğrafları çiçek Muscari Arap sümbülü 723998337633920

Flowers 06.03.2014

Red-Sindhi Cow & Calf

Red Sindhi cattle are the most popular of all Zebu dairy breeds. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan.  They are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate (European) origin dairy breeds

Animals #Red_Sindhi Cow Calf Beautiful

Animals 10.08.2022

Tired Cowboy

Yorgun Kovboy :)

People 01.04.2018


In the Wilhelma show farm, zoological garden in Stuttgart / Germany

Animals 26.01.2020

Sokak Çalgıcıları

" Street Musicians "
Arbat Street - Moscow / Russıa

Müzik Latin Çalgı Sokak Cadde Arbat Moskova Rusya

People 21.04.2016

Shiny Cowbird

Chopim (Molothrus bonariensis)

Birds 22.02.2016


Tansy is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant in the genus Tanacetum in the aster family, native to temperate Europe and Asia. It has been introduced to other parts of the world, including North America, and in some areas has become invasive. It is also known as common tansy, bitter buttons, cow bitter, or golden buttons.

plant herb tansy yellow bitter

Plant 29.03.2023

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