

Wild Leaves ⚜

Wild flora of Chiltan Valley, Balochistan.

Leaves Wild Cool Curves Nature Beautiful

Plant 08.11.2024


Cannas are exceptionally attractive plants that can be grown both in containers and in garden beds. As exotic perennials, however, they have high requirements. They must be provided with a sunny and warm location, and also overwintered in a cool room. Cannas adorn gardens with beautiful flowers in fiery colors and long leaves with an

plant flower canna blooming garden decorative

Flowers 18.09.2024


On Earth, clouds are formed as a result of saturation of the air when it is cooled to its dew point, or when it gains sufficient moisture from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

sky clouds trees nature winter

Sky & Clouds 26.12.2023


Meteorologists believe that most precipitation begins with snow. When it melts along the way, it falls to the ground as rain. Sometimes it happens that melted snowflakes encounter a layer of cold air again. Then they cool down in it, but do not freeze. Only when they come into contact with the ground do they suddenly turn into ice

nature season autumn snow trees bushes way man

Seasons 18.11.2023


Larches are deciduous conifers in the genus Larix, of the family Pinaceae. Growing from 20 to 45 metres tall, they are native to the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere. Larches are among the dominant plants in the boreal forests of Siberia and Canada. Although they are conifers, larches are deciduous trees that lose their needles

plant tree larch twig cones

Plant 16.10.2023


Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) sometimes written lily-of-the-valley is a woodland flowering plant with sweetly scented, pendent, bell-shaped white flowers borne in sprays in spring. It is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe.

plant flower white bells blooming spring

Flowers 21.05.2023


Wild grass flower head at Hazaganji National Park Quetta, Balochistan.

Flowers Wild Plant Leaves Colour Nature

Flowers 22.04.2023

Dalgaları Aşmak!

Yıl 1730, hikaye şimdi Şile'de bir sokak olan Elbiz'de geçiyor. O dönemde bölgenin en zengin tüccarları olan Dimitri ve Elbiz ona 'ağa' derler. Çünkü arpa ve buğdayla işlenen verimli yerel toprakların tamamına yakını onun emrindedir ve köyde yaşayanların çoğu onun emrinde çalışır.

şile ağlayankayalar deniz kum günbatımı manzara efsane fotoğraf tatil

Sea - Lake 09.08.2022

BAYR-ZIN bread بیرزن نان

This baking method is practiced in Birahi people of Sarawan area Balochistan since prehistoric times.
A space is carved out in mudwall of homes, a stone baking plate is fixed in it in such a way that it is open to fire from back and front.
Only Dry leaves are used for fire.
Yeast added flour is used for bread which

#بیرزن نان، Bread Baking Fire Traditional Food Nomadic Balochistan

Food 23.06.2022


Blue sky, rich green, bright sun, but still quite cool with 12 °C

Seasons 18.04.2022



Yeni Camii Eminönü
Nicon coolpix L3

Silhouette 20.12.2018

BAYR-ZIN bread بیرزن نان

This baking method is practiced in Birahi people of Sarawan area Balochistan since prehistoric times.
A space is carved out in mudwall of homes, a stone baking plate is fixed in it in such a way that it is open to fire from back and front.
Only Dry leaves are used for fire.
Yeast added flour is used for bread which

#بیرزن نان، Bread Baking Fire Traditional Food Nomadic Balochistan

Food 23.06.2022

Refraction in the Rose Bush

Nikon Coolpix S9050 w/lbs

Macro 26.03.2014

Dalgaları Aşmak!

Yıl 1730, hikaye şimdi Şile'de bir sokak olan Elbiz'de geçiyor. O dönemde bölgenin en zengin tüccarları olan Dimitri ve Elbiz ona 'ağa' derler. Çünkü arpa ve buğdayla işlenen verimli yerel toprakların tamamına yakını onun emrindedir ve köyde yaşayanların çoğu onun emrinde çalışır.

şile ağlayankayalar deniz kum günbatımı manzara efsane fotoğraf tatil

Sea - Lake 09.08.2022

Nikon coolpix L3

Flowers 27.01.2019

Balochi nomad's water container, KHAWAA ( خوا)

These are made of goat skin, used to store water or butter.
As they contain natural pore therefore make water cool by evaporation.

Objects Containers Nomadic Necessity Innovations Balochistan

Object 30.12.2021

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