


Gallant robber Rumcajs , his wife Manka, and their son, little robber Cipísek are fictional characters popularized by two children's animated television series broadcast as part of the Večerníček TV program in Czechoslovakia.

sculpture man robber Rumcajs fine art

Fine Art 26.02.2025


Echinacea is recommended primarily during the cold season, among other things to strengthen the immunity of children and adults. Echinacea tea, brewed from natural dried herbs, works great for this purpose. Echinacea is also a popular ingredient in all dietary supplements intended to build immunity and fight flu and other respiratory

plant flower echinacea pink garden

Flowers 10.08.2024


Carousel ( temporary construction object ) a recreational device rotating around its own axis, carrying people sitting on the rim of the wheel.

object temporary portable device rotating children

Object 24.01.2024


The Malinka bathing resort is a resort located in Zgierz, (a city in central Poland, located just to the north of Łódź) built on an area of ​​over 71 hectares, in the vicinity of the slope of Góra Wilamowska.
A modern place of rest and recreation was built in Malinka, including a swimming pool with piers. There is a

summer outside swimming pools people children water season

Seasons 19.07.2023

Wild, Chiltan Valley flower

Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Wild flora Balochistan Chiltan Valley Flowers Blue Petals Beauty Nature Delicate

Flowers 30.12.2021


Sad Reality in a broken world

The homeless are increasing around the world, millions including children live on the street without a future, the society is moving so fast that we forget completely of their existence, this is a worldwide issue and involved each of us, we must take action now, we can change this sad reality, looking at this old man at his age on

homeless food old man budapest sad reality issue problem

People 18.01.2015

Felsenwohnungen in Graufthal / Elsass

Eine Sehenswürdigkeit der besonderen Art, die in Europa ihresgleichen sucht, stellen die Felsenhäuser von Graufthal, nur wenige Kilometer südlich von La Petite Pierre, dar. Wer auf der früher viel wichtigeren Verbindungs-straße Saverne - Phalsbourg - Sarre-Union unterwegs ist, dem fällt heute sofort an der Straße das Schild auf,

Travel 04.09.2018

old man sleeping outside at 0 degree

The homeless are increasing around the world, millions including children live on the street without a future, the society is moving so fast that we forget completely of their existence, this is a worldwide issue and involved each of us, we must take action now, we can change this sad reality, looking at this old man at his age on the

homeless food old man budapest sad reality issue problem

People 17.01.2015

Jorasanko Thakur Bari / Rabindra Bharati Museum

Jorasanko Thakur Bari (Bengali: House of the Thakurs (anglicised to Tagore) in Jorasanko, north of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, is the ancestral home of the Tagore family. It is currently located on the Rabindra Bharati University campus at 6/4 Dwarakanath Tagore Lane Jorasanko, Kolkata 700007. It is the house in which the poet and

architecture historic

City & Architecture 22.12.2017

Homeless in Budapest

The homeless are increasing around the world, millions of children live on the street without a future, the society is moving so fast that we forget completely of their existence, this is a worldwide issue and involved each of us, we must take action now, we can change this sad reality

homeless food old man budapest sad reality issue problem

People 16.01.2015

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day in Germany. I wish all fathers around the world a nice day with their children. Enjoy!

Family 29.05.2014

Siyah ve Beyaz

Sevgi, bir kırgınlığın gölgesinde üşüyen samimiyettir bazen.
(Samsung es90 dijital)

nature black and white child kids photo amazing

Black and White 07.01.2015

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çoçuk Bayramı

April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day

People 28.04.2016

Çocuk Olmak...Dondurmam Kaymak...

" Being a child..."
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Parkı - Yuvacık - Başiskele / Kocaeli

Çocuk Dondurma Çocuk Parkı Fatih Sultan Mehmet Parkı Yuvacık Başiskele Kocaeli

People 23.08.2016

Wild, Chiltan Valley flower

Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Wild flora Balochistan Chiltan Valley Flowers Blue Petals Beauty Nature Delicate

Flowers 30.12.2021

Erzurum'da Çocuk

(Samsung es90 dijital)
Kirli Bir Çocuk Yüzüyüm Kapında;
Ama Dünyann En Temiz Gözleriyle Bakıyorm Sana.
"Şeker Değil İstediğim,
Yüreğini Koy Avuçlarıma.'

çocuk kar kış erzurum street street children natural

Portrait 27.12.2014

Laleler Arasında...

" Among tulips "

Çocuklar bir çiçektir, Sevimlidir, şirindir, Bizim geleceğimizdir, Neşelidir çocuklar...

" Children are a flower, Cute, Our future, Cheerful children."

Lale İnsan Çocuklar Bahar İzmit Kocaeli

People 14.02.2019

Çocuk Oyun Parkı

" Children Playground "

Kavaklı Sahili - Gölcük / Kocaeli

Çocuk Oyun Park Kaydırak Salıncak Kavaklı Gölcük Kocaeli

Uncategorized 06.03.2019

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