

Busy Bee

Picture taken in Canmore, Alberta, Canada


Insect 01.09.2020

Grizzly 143

Taken in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Bear No. 143 has two young-of-year cubs, including one brown coloured cub with a white head.

#bettyjbuddphotography #banffnationalpark

Animals 13.08.2020

Bighorn Sheep

Picture of bighorn sheep taken at Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

#bettyjbuddphotography #jaspernationalpark

Animals 07.08.2020

Medicine Lake

picture was taken at Medicine Lake in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

#bettyjbuddphotography #medicinelake #jaspernationalpark #canada

Sea - Lake 29.07.2020

Mountain Mirror

Taken in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

#bettyjbuddphotography #jaspernationalpark

Landscapes 28.07.2020

Blue Beauty

I took this picture of this beautiful blue flower in Drumheller Alberta.

#flowers #blueflower

Flowers 20.07.2020

Maligne Canyon, Jasper, Alberta, Canada

This is Maligne Canyon in Jasper, Alberta, Canada

Waterfall 29.03.2019

Cute Chipmunk

I took this shot of this cute little chipmunk and Banff Alberta Canada.

Animals 28.03.2019

Old Grain Elevator and Train Tracks

This shot was taken at the Ukrainian Village in Vegreville, Alberta, Canada. It was a cloudy, stormy day and made for the perfect setting to take the picture.

#building #grainelevator #oldgrainelevator #alberta #canada #vegreville #ruralalberta #rural #bettybuddphotography #traintracks #clouds #stormclouds #inontheoutside

City & Architecture 26.03.2019

Purple Petals

I took this shot in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. There are plenty of photo opportunities in this wonderful place!

#flower #purplepetals #purpleflower #foliage #bettyjbuddphotography #inontheoutside

Flowers 25.03.2019

Majestic Horses

Picture taken in Fort Edmonton Park, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Horses Edmonton Alberta Canada

Animals 11.11.2018

Majestic Bison

Taken at Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada

Animals 04.06.2015


Blue Beauty

I took this picture of this beautiful blue flower in Drumheller Alberta.

#flowers #blueflower

Flowers 20.07.2020

Medicine Lake

picture was taken at Medicine Lake in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

#bettyjbuddphotography #medicinelake #jaspernationalpark #canada

Sea - Lake 29.07.2020

Busy Bee

Picture taken in Canmore, Alberta, Canada


Insect 01.09.2020

Cute Chipmunk

I took this shot of this cute little chipmunk and Banff Alberta Canada.

Animals 28.03.2019

Grizzly 143

Taken in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Bear No. 143 has two young-of-year cubs, including one brown coloured cub with a white head.

#bettyjbuddphotography #banffnationalpark

Animals 13.08.2020

Alberta Legislature Building at Night

The Alberta Legislature Building is located in Edmonton, Alberta, and is the meeting place of the Legislative Assembly and the Executive Council. It is known to Edmontonians as "the Ledge".

Betty J Budd

City & Architecture 08.07.2014

Canadian Bison

Taken at Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada

Let me tell you a secret...

Animals 02.06.2015

Mountain Mirror

Taken in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

#bettyjbuddphotography #jaspernationalpark

Landscapes 28.07.2020

Old Grain Elevator and Train Tracks

This shot was taken at the Ukrainian Village in Vegreville, Alberta, Canada. It was a cloudy, stormy day and made for the perfect setting to take the picture.

#building #grainelevator #oldgrainelevator #alberta #canada #vegreville #ruralalberta #rural #bettybuddphotography #traintracks #clouds #stormclouds #inontheoutside

City & Architecture 26.03.2019

Purple Petals

I took this shot in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. There are plenty of photo opportunities in this wonderful place!

#flower #purplepetals #purpleflower #foliage #bettyjbuddphotography #inontheoutside

Flowers 25.03.2019

Majestic Bison

Taken at Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada

Animals 04.06.2015

Bighorn Sheep

Picture of bighorn sheep taken at Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

#bettyjbuddphotography #jaspernationalpark

Animals 07.08.2020

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