It is a small, but fast-growing annual plant growing to 30 cm tall, though usually less. However, if it is cultivated properly, it can easily reach this height. The leaves are thick and fleshy, up to 2.5 cm long, arranged alternately or in small clusters. The flowers are 2.5–3 cm diameter with five petals, variably red, orange, pink,
Zoom in/out 29.08.2024perennial dwarf plant native to South Africa. It forms a dense lawn with lush, long-lasting flowers. It reaches a height of about 10–15 cm (4–6 inches), with fleshy leaves that are linear and simple, and can grow up to 1.5 inches long, and a hanging stem that hangs downwards. These fleshy roots help the plants recover and grow
Zoom in/out 15.08.2024The American Staffordshire Terrier, commonly called the Amstaff, is a breed of dog belonging to the terrier group. It is characterized by a strong body structure, intelligence, and loyalty to its owner. The clamping force of the Amstaff's jaws is about 150 kg. Crocodiles have a much greater lockjaw, whose jaws clamp with a force of
animal dog amstaff Barry hidden
Animals 27.07.2024Dahlia has many advantages. It does not have excessive requirements, it is easy to care for and is extremely decorative. It looks beautiful in flower beds and gardens. It can also be successfully grown in pots. It reaches up to 150 cm in height, so it will be a beautiful decoration visible anywhere in the garden.
plant flower dahlia pink in bloom garden
Flowers 15.07.2024Hydrangea with the sonorous name 'Annabelle' is a spectacularly flowering shrub with a loose shape. It reaches a height of approx. 1-1.5 m. The leaves are large, light green, almost heart-shaped, hairy underneath, and serrated on the edges. Creamy-white flowers, collected in very large, approximately 15-20 cm, hemispherical inflorescences,
plant shrub flowers hydrangea garden
Flowers 09.07.2024Plaza de España in Seville has a total area of 50,000 square meters, making it undoubtedly the most impressive square in Spain. There is a 515-meter-long canal running around the entire perimeter of the square, which can be explored on board a boat.
The four beautiful bridges crossing the canal represent the ancient
square canal towers bridge Seville Spain
City & Architecture 01.06.2024Tulips are spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes (having bulbs as storage organs) in the Tulipa genus.
Tulip is the most widely cultivated ornamental plant in the world. It is grown mainly in the ground and under cover (greenhouses, foil tunnels).
It has been observed that tulip flowers open when
Elecampane (Inula helenium), pronounced /ˌɛlɪkæmˈpeɪn/[2] and also called horse-heal or elfdock, is a widespread plant species in the sunflower family Asteraceae. It is native to Eurasia from Spain to Xinjiang province in western China, and naturalized in parts of North America.
Elecampane is a rather rigid herb, the stem
Alcea rosea, the common hollyhock, is an ornamental dicot flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It was imported into Europe from southwestern China during, or possibly before, the 15th century. Growing up to 8 feet tall. Its leaves are large and heart-shaped. The flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
plant flowers mallow pink leaves garden
Flowers 18.12.2023Kraków ( Cracow in English ), is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in Lesser Poland Voivodeship, the city dates back to the seventh century. Kraków was the official capital of Poland until 1596 and has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, economic,
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Uncategorized 24.11.2023Lantana is a genus of about 150 species of perennial flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae.
Lantana species, especially L. camara contain pentacyclic triterpenoids that cause hepatotoxicity and photosensitivity when ingested by grazing animals such as sheep, goats, bovines and horses. This has led to widespread
plant flowers lantana garden nature
Flowers 17.11.2023Botanik Özellikleri: Liliaceae familyasından soğanlı, otsu, çok yıllık bitki türü. Bitki boyu5-15 cm. çiçeğin baş kısmının arkası yeşildir. 6adet taç yapraktan oluşan çiçekler yıldız biçimindedir. Yapraklar tabanda yer alır. Meyve ters koni biçiminde kapsüldür. Çiçek rengi beyazdır. Çiçeklenme dönemi
Ornithogalum Akyıldız Çiçek Bitki Beyaz Taç Makro
Plant 13.07.2014My eye. Kendi gözümle Makro çalışmam :)
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Macro 18.02.2014"Hayat iki şekilde yaşanır..
Ya hiç mucize yokmuş gibi ya da her şey birer mucizeymiş gibi."
Albert Einstein
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Flowers 28.05.2015Arap sümbülü (Muscari), Hyacinthaceae (sümbülgiller) familyasından bataklık alanlar ve tarlalarda yaşayan soğanlı ve otsu bitki cinsi. Dağ sümbülü, misk sümbülü, üzüm sümbülü gibi adlarlada bilinmektedir. Anavatanının Akdeniz, Kuzey Afrika, Güney Afrika ve Güney Doğu ve Orta Asya ülkeleri (Türkiye, Yunanistan'da
mor çiçek çiçek resimleri çiçek fotoğrafları çiçek Muscari Arap sümbülü 723998337633920
Flowers 06.03.2014Düzce / Akçakoca Merkez Camii
20.08.2015 3N1C3507 düzce akçakoca Akçakoca camisi Akçakoca Merkez Camii Gece
City & Architecture 21.08.2015Konak İlçesi, Akdeniz Mahallesi, Gazi Osman Paşa Bulvarı, Necatibey Bulvarı ve Kazım Dirik Caddesi’nin kesiştiği alanda kurulmuş olan İzmir’in en eski yapılarından birisidir. Kilise 69-155 yılları arasında yaşamış, Aziz Yuhanna’nın ilk öğrencilerinden olan ve sonradan Aziz ilan edilmiş olan İzmir Piskoposu
City & Architecture 01.06.20171230’da rahipler, kurucuları Assisili Aziz Fransua adına, Galata civarında bir kilise inşa ettiler. 1639 ve 1660 yangınlarında iki kez yanan ve her yangından sonra yeniden aynı yerde kurulan Aziz Fransua Kilisesi en son geçirdiği yangın olan ve bütün çevresini yutan 1696 yangınından sonra Beyoğlu’daki yeni konumuna
Bent 1839 yılında inşa edilmiştir. Osmanlı Dönemi içinde yapılmış en büyük ikinci bendin göl alanı 49.000 m2'dir. Yüksekliği 15.45 m olan bendin, taban genişliği 9.4 m, en üst noktadaki genişliği ise 5.64 m.dir. Bent yolundaki çınarlar, özellikle Çayırbaşı ile Bahçeköy arasındakiler temel atma törenine
Nature 12.02.2017Bakras Kalesi
Bakras Kalesi Antakya / İskenderun karayolunun 27. kilometresinde batıya ayrılan yol ile ulaşılan ve karayluna 5 km mesafede olan Bakras(Ötençay) Köyü sınırları içinde bulunmaktadır. Kale köyün 2 km kuzeybatısında yer alan 3 tarafı uçurum yüksek bir tepe uzerine inşa edilmiştir.
Bursa city,İznik Lake,
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Landscapes 27.05.2016