
Astrophytum myriostigma

Astrophytum myriostigma, the bishop's cap cactus, bishop's hat or bishop's miter cactus, is a species of cactus native to the highlands of northeastern and central Mexico.

Synonyms include Echinocactus myriostigma, Astrophytum prismaticum, A. columnare, A. tulense, and A. nuda.


Plant 04.07.2024


Viscum is a genus of about 70–100 species of mistletoes, native to temperate and tropical regions of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia.
These are semi-parasitic plants that grow on coniferous and deciduous trees and use suction cups to extract water and mineral salts from them.
Viscum species are poisonous to humans;

plant mistletoe parasite tree many

Nature 02.02.2024

Elecampane (Inula helenium)

Elecampane (Inula helenium), pronounced /ˌɛlɪkæmˈpeɪn/[2] and also called horse-heal or elfdock, is a widespread plant species in the sunflower family Asteraceae. It is native to Eurasia from Spain to Xinjiang province in western China, and naturalized in parts of North America.
Elecampane is a rather rigid herb, the stem

Plant 29.12.2023


Bacopa is a genus of 70–100 aquatic plants belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. It is commonly known as water hyssop, though this is more misleading as Bacopa is not very closely related to hyssop but simply has a somewhat similar.

plants flowers bacopa white blue garden

Flowers 20.09.2023


Spiraeacommonly known as meadowsweets or steeplebushes, is a genus of about 80 to 100 species of shrubs in the family Rosaceae. They are native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere, with the greatest diversity in eastern Asia.

plant bush flowers pink meadowsweet blooming

Flowers 16.07.2023


The Monument of the Lampiarz, the nameless electrician, unveiled on September 21, 2007 on the main street in Łódź, Poland
The occasion was the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first power plant in Łódź.
The monument shows a life-size stylish lantern and a lamplighter with a light bulb in his right hand,

monument lighter black restaurant street

Object 04.07.2023

Astrophytum myriostigma

Astrophytum myriostigma, the bishop's cap cactus, bishop's hat or bishop's miter cactus, is a species of cactus native to the highlands of northeastern and central Mexico.
Astrophytum myriostigma is a spineless cactus defined by the presence of three to seven (usually five) pronounced vertical ribs which define the cactus' shape

Macro 26.06.2023

Pennisetum alopecuroides

Pennisetum alopecuroides (Pen-ih-SEE-tum al-oh-pek-yur-OY-deez),[1] the Chinese pennisetum, Chinese fountaingrass, dwarf fountain grass, foxtail fountain grass, or swamp foxtail grass, is a species of perennial grass native to Asia and Australia. The culms are erect, and 60–100 cm long. The leaf-blades are erect or drooping; flat,

Zoom in/out 02.06.2023


Astrophytum myriostigma is a spineless cactus defined by the presence of three to seven (usually five) pronounced vertical ribs which define the cactus' shape when young (the genus name "astrophytum", literally, "star plant", is derived from the resulting star-like shape). As the cactus ages, more ribs may be added and it becomes more

Plant 04.08.2022

Astrophytum myriostigma

Astrophytum myriostigma, the bishop's cap cactus, bishop's hat or bishop's miter cactus, is a species of cactus native to the highlands of northeastern and central Mexico.
Astrophytum myriostigma is a spineless cactus defined by the presence of three to seven (usually five) pronounced vertical ribs which define the cactus' shape

Plant 03.08.2022

Gözdeki Işıltı

Gözdeki Işıltı Edirne kırkpınarda çektiğim bu fotoğrafı sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.
Canon EOS 5D Mark III , canon 35-350 lens ile f/5 , 1/400 sn, ıso 800, 100 mm uzaklıktan çektiğim Portre.

göz gözler eye eyes makeup beauty love photography artist #eyeshadow fashion eyelashes beautiful serdar uygunoğlu

People 15.07.2022


Kuru Ağaç

Nikond800 iso 100 f/7 enstantane 1/125

Black and White 31.10.2019

Fitne çiçeği

Nikon D7100 efekt modu

Flowers 27.01.2014

Dytiscus marginalis

Bir kaç sene önce çekmiştim. Sapanca gölünde bol miktarda mevcut. Su altında gerçekten çok hızlı yüzüyorlar. Ters çevirince kaplumbağa gibi baya bir çaresiz görünüyorlar. Ama öğrendim ki aynı zamanda uçabiliyrolarmış :)
Yani havada, karada ve suda. Bildiğin sas komando :P


09.06.2013 IMG_9187 Dytiscus marginalis kınkanatlılar Yüzer Kınkanatlı ona sukaplanı

Insect 27.05.2015

Kazıkbeli Yaylası.

Yaklaşık 2500 metre rakımı; Giresun, Gümüşhane ve Trabzon illerinden gelen yaylacılarla, Gümüşhane ilinin en çok talep gören, turizm potansiyeli açısından elverişli olduğu gözlemlenen Kazıkbeli Yaylası, Gümüşhane İl merkezine 100 km uzaklıktadır.

Kazıkbeli Yaylası Gümüşhane Giresun Trapzon

City & Architecture 11.09.2020

Sphodromantis viridis

Peygamberdevesi, Mantodea alttakımında yer alan ve hamam böcekleriyle birlikte Dictoptera takımını oluşturan yaklaşık 1.800 böcek türünün ortak adıdır. Tropik ve sıcak bölgelerde yaşayan, başka böcekler üzerinden beslenen böcek türlerinden oluşan bir familyadır. Bazı uzmanlar Dictyoptera’nın bu iki alttakımını

Peygamber Devesi Peygamberdevesi Peygamberdevesi resimleri Peygamber devesi fotoğrafları Sphodromantis viridis 12.10.2014 3N1C2709 e3 peygamber devesi mantis

Macro 16.10.2014

Golden Dragonfly

Yusufçuk (Anisoptera), odonata takımına ait, kanatlarını dinlenmeleri sırasında yanlara açık olarak yatay tutmalarıyla kızböceklerinden ayrılan bir alttakım. Büyük birleşik gözleri, güçlü saydam (Kanatları), göz alıcı renkleri ve uzunca vücutlarıyla ile tanınırlar. Vücutları kuvvetli yapıda ve hiçbirzaman

Sympetrum flaveolum yusufçuk yusufçuk resimleri yusufçuk fotoğrafları kız böcekleri kızböceği 3N1C9602 25.06.2015

Nature 27.06.2014

Houses in the fishermen's quarter (Holm)

The Holm (Danish: Holmen) is a fishing district in Schleswig, located on the loop between the old town and the freedom of Schleswig.

The name of the settlement is based on the northern German or Danish word Holm. It means little island. The settlement originated around the year 1000 on a small island off Schleswig, which

City & Architecture 14.01.2020

Çiçekdeki Uğurböceği

Arkadaşın Canon 100mm makro lensi ile çekildi.


Flowers 23.08.2020

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