Smiled At Me...
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Smiled At Me...

Tags: Smiled At Me...

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  • Views615

Aktuelle Fotos des Mitglieds

Fiolstræde - Copenhagen - Denmark.
Famous Hotel at Kongens Nytorv - Copenhagen - Dk.
Vor Frue Kirke(Our Lady Church) in Copenhagen.


- I vote, I like, and faver any shot, shot by anyone . It does not matter who shot it !

Thomas Bo Christoffersen 26.06.2014 - 20:14
Good Afternoon, Giovanna.
I have never felt that you would ever vote my Photos for that reason.
I like you very much... I love your comments, and I believe they come from your heart.
Like you I vote from the heart . If I like a Photo I vote for it, regardless who has shot it.
It is always a wonderful feeling when you or others Express in Words what they think of ones Work.
Have a very very nice Evening.
Best wishes
Thomas. :) :) :)

Thomas Bo Christoffersen 26.06.2014 - 20:09