In the morning
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In the morning

Tags: In the morning

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Um belisssimo amanhecer.
Uma bela tarde de sol.
Por aí


Obrigado a todos!! :D

Rosane Agrippa 20.01.2015 - 13:49
Obrigado a todos!! :D

Rosane Agrippa 20.01.2015 - 13:49
Bettina Bruns like this.
Very Beautiful!

Maria Angela Fioretto 05.01.2015 - 06:15
Rosane Agrippa like this.
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Bettina Bruns 05.01.2015 - 02:05
Rosane Agrippa like this.

Khan S Sanzeda 04.01.2015 - 16:58
Rosane Agrippa like this.