Young Deer
Richmond Park, London 2014
Photo info

Young Deer

Lens : Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Tags: Young Deer Deer exposing his horns!! deers animal animals nature richmond park london 2014.

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  • Views1622

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Thank you Yılmaz !!

Fabio Tedde 27.11.2014 - 13:21
Thank you Irena

Fabio Tedde 16.11.2014 - 02:12

Irena Trkulja 16.11.2014 - 01:36
Fabio Tedde like this.
Thank you so much!!!!!!

Fabio Tedde 16.11.2014 - 00:22
Thank yuou so much!!!!!!!!

Fabio Tedde 15.11.2014 - 22:06
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