Old half-timbered building in Rothenburg
Old half-timbered building in Rothenburg of der Tauber, a well-known town in Germany. Altes Fachwerkhaus in Rothenburg am Marktplatz.
Photo info

Old half-timbered building in Rothenburg

Camera : Nikon D7100
Lens : Nikkor AF 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6
Tags: Old half-timbered building in Rothenburg Fachwerkhaus half-timbered building Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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Thanks, Maria :)

Bettina Bruns 21.09.2014 - 20:43
Grazie, Giovanna e Emanuela! :)

Bettina Bruns 17.09.2014 - 02:47
Thank you, Sanzeda! :)

Bettina Bruns 16.09.2014 - 22:10
Khan S Sanzeda like this.

Khan S Sanzeda 16.09.2014 - 21:23
Bettina Bruns like this.
Dankeschöööön, Mehmet Sahin :)

Bettina Bruns 16.09.2014 - 20:45
Thank you, Roger :)
Thanks to all other members :)

Bettina Bruns 16.09.2014 - 20:44
Thanks, Canel :)

Bettina Bruns 16.09.2014 - 08:56
so nice photo

Canel Ölgün 16.09.2014 - 08:34