Hello!!!! :D
Little wild goose
Photo info

Hello!!!! :D

Camera : Nikon D7100
Lens : Nikkor AF 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6
Tags: Hello!!!! :D

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  • Views1653

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Fly Agaric


und noch einmal; Herzlichen Glückwunsch :)

Meryemce 28.04.2014 - 08:58
Thank you to all for all likes, faves, stars and nice comments! I am really happy! :D

Bettina Bruns 28.04.2014 - 01:02
Tebrikler, herzlichen Glückwunsch :)

Meryemce 28.04.2014 - 00:06
Tebrikler Bettina :)))

İDRİS TOPCU 28.04.2014 - 00:04

Maria Angela Fioretto 27.04.2014 - 20:09
Thank you very much, Kader! It was a snapshot. I had no chance to change the lens. The little goose was behind me, saw a piece of bread near by me and ran very fast, stopped, picked the bread and ran away. My daughter gave me the tip. I saw the goose almost too late :D. One second to take the photo ... :D

Bettina Bruns 27.04.2014 - 16:59
So cute :)

Irena Trkulja 27.04.2014 - 01:50
Thanks to all :D. Ali, you are so right.No wings, but strong legs :D

Bettina Bruns 27.04.2014 - 00:21