Hello Spring...
Wild Chiltan Flower, a variety of wild Balochistan mountain tulip with Iris shaped petals
Photo info

Hello Spring...

Camera : Nikon Coolpix P3
Lens : Nikon AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Focal Length : F 3.0
Shutter Speed : 1/30s
Aperture : 9.60mm
ISO / Film : 180
Tags: Hello Spring... Flower Macro Beautiful Plants Nature plants

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Refik Ekenel kardeşim ben de teşekkür ederim

lalaji anwar 20.03.2022 - 16:38
Refik Ekenel like this.
Tebrikler hocam ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Refik Ekenel 20.03.2022 - 16:00
lalaji anwar like this.

lalaji anwar 20.03.2022 - 07:33
❤️ ❤️

lalaji anwar 19.03.2022 - 19:22
Thank you

lalaji anwar 19.03.2022 - 17:20
Thank you all friends and Grafimx

lalaji anwar 19.03.2022 - 15:28

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GrafiMX 19.03.2022 - 14:51

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lalaji anwar 19.03.2022 - 10:38

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