Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
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This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.
Its unique things:
-It sprouts from ground in s mid March and Blooms till end of April (May if it is 9000+high ground and colder)
-It has 2 main colours:
- Intense Radiant Red
- Brigh, glowing Golden
And also a varient which has Iris like Petals, as in this shot.
At areas it has some weird and mixed colored and petaled varieties like streaked golden, blue, 3 flowered from 1 stem!
-It has refused to be Domesticated whatever tricks, Scientific or otherwise, applied till date.
-In the same valley it grows in (its) slected regions. What makes that decision? Not Known!
-It grows in gravelly, sandy soil which are in the route of Rainy water flow from mountain above.
-At that parts, it is concerted in areas which receive maximum snow in winter.
-It has a faint but distinct sweat+citrus type Fragrance.
-It grows in belts of acres in areas and the scene is very beautiful.
-It has very long Roots, years long, going down deep in ground.
-It grows from a single BULB, which tastes sweeter than sugar therefore sought eagerly by children to chew it.
-It has very, unbelievably long 1st pair of leaves which have convuluted edges sprawled on ground.
-Leaves and stem are somewhat succulent having sticky material inside.
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Bu çok özel ve EŞSİZ Lale gerçeğidir.
Sadece Belucistan'ın deniz seviyesinden yüksek vadilerinde 8500 + feet yükseklikte bulunur.
Belucistan'ın ulusal çiçeğidir.
Eşsiz şeyleri:
-Mart ortasında yerden filizlenir ve Nisan sonuna kadar çiçek açar (9000+yüksek ve daha soğuk ise Mayıs)
- 2 ana rengi vardır:
- Yoğun Parlak Kırmızı
- Parlak, parlayan Altın
Ve ayrıca, bu çekimde olduğu gibi, Petals gibi Iris'e sahip bir varyant.
Bazı yerlerde, çizgili altın, mavi, 1 saptan 3 çiçekli gibi bazı garip ve karışık renkli ve yapraklı çeşitleri vardır!
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Dies ist eine ganz besondere und EINZIGARTIGE Tulpenvielfalt.
Es wird nur in 8500 + Fuß über dem Meeresspiegel hohen Tälern von Belutschistan gefunden.
Es ist Nationalblume von Belutschistan.
Seine einzigartigen Dinge:
-Es sprießt Mitte März aus dem Boden und blüht bis Ende April (Mai, wenn es 9000+ höher und kälter ist)
-Es hat 2 Hauptfarben:
- Intensives strahlendes Rot
- Helles, leuchtendes Gold
Und auch eine Variante mit Iris wie Petals, wie in dieser Aufnahme.
An einigen Stellen hat sie einige seltsame und gemischt gefärbte und blättrige Sorten wie gestreifte goldene, blaue, 3-blütige aus 1 Stiel!