Doing the Pedicure
Burrowing Owl
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Doing the Pedicure

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Thank you so much,Hanife TANIR!!!

Maria Angela Fioretto 16.02.2017 - 16:23
Çok teşekkür ederim GrafiMX!
Many thanks to all who voted for my picture! Thank you so much !!!

Maria Angela Fioretto 10.02.2017 - 14:59
Doris Holzmann like this.
Dankeshön, dear Doris!

Maria Angela Fioretto 10.02.2017 - 04:02
Doris Holzmann like this.
so cute!!!!!!!!!!
I love it!!!! :heart:

Doris Holzmann 10.02.2017 - 03:10
Wow! Thank you so much friend Thomas!!!

Maria Angela Fioretto 10.02.2017 - 02:45
Absolutely wonderful shot !!

Thomas Bo Christoffersen 10.02.2017 - 01:54