Parrot on the roof
Papagaio procurando buracos e frestas nos telhados das casas para fazer ninho. Uma raridade aqui em plena cidade de São Paulo.
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Parrot on the roof

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Happy New Year!


Thank you very much, Roger and Carole!

Maria Angela Fioretto 20.10.2015 - 18:07
Thank you very much Doris and Nihan!

Maria Angela Fioretto 19.10.2015 - 21:41
Thank you very much GrafiMX and everyone!

Maria Angela Fioretto 19.10.2015 - 21:41

Doris Holzmann 19.10.2015 - 20:29
Thank you very much Yasemin, Roger and OLGA!

Maria Angela Fioretto 19.10.2015 - 13:45
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