İ see you... :)
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İ see you... :)

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Falcon on the lurk
evening atmosphere


thank you Carole ... :)

Konny 23.06.2015 - 16:10
danke Bettina , werde wohl mal ins Bett gehen .. GUTE NACHT :)

Konny 23.06.2015 - 01:07
Dir auch einen schönen Abend, Konny :)

Bettina Bruns 23.06.2015 - 01:01
Konny like this.
teşekkürler Canel..
mutlu akşamlar ... :)

Konny 22.06.2015 - 19:36
Canel Ölgün like this.
Danke Bettina... :)
schönen Abend wünsche ich Dir..

Konny 22.06.2015 - 19:36
Bettina Bruns like this.
çok güzel zamanlama tebrikler

Canel Ölgün 22.06.2015 - 18:20
Konny like this.
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Bettina Bruns 22.06.2015 - 12:33
Konny like this.
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