Colorful dream
Colores en las nubes, durante la puesta del sol
Photo info

Colorful dream

Camera : Nikon D7100
Lens : Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm F/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Tags: Colorful dream

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  • Faves11
  • Views871

Aktuelle Fotos des Mitglieds

Resting ( Agelaioides badius )
To up ( Vanellus chilensis )
The magician ( Sturnella superciliaris )


Thank you very much Hanife TANIR !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 30.05.2015 - 15:56
Obrigado Olga Ferrarin !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 28.05.2015 - 21:59
Thank you very much Refik Ekenel, Vera Vilela !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 28.05.2015 - 15:51
Refik Ekenel like this.

Refik Ekenel 28.05.2015 - 13:26
Pascual Di Stefano like this.
Thank you very much Djerry F Bansaleng !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 28.05.2015 - 11:13
Djerry F Bansaleng like this.
beautiful clouds

Djerry F Bansaleng 28.05.2015 - 06:54
Pascual Di Stefano like this.
Thank yu very much Vera !!!!

Pascual Di Stefano 28.05.2015 - 05:12