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Tabii bizim buralardan acık :)
20 Mart 2015 13:06:13 Serdivan, SAKARYA
Not: 1000x filtreyle çekilmiştir.
Photo info

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Camera : Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Lens : Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Focal Length : 105 mm
Shutter Speed : 1/400 sn
Aperture : f/14
ISO / Film : 200
Tags: Ve güneş tutulur... oft güneş tutulma

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Herkese çok teşekkür ederim :)

Ömer Faruk TANIR 24.03.2015 - 16:31
Meryemce like this.
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Meryemce 21.03.2015 - 15:07
Ömer Faruk TANIR like this.
Great shot!

Maria Angela Fioretto 20.03.2015 - 23:58
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Gülce Mavi (Mâverâ) 20.03.2015 - 23:22
Ömer Faruk TANIR like this.